Server An IRC server


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Discord Administrator
Bit of an out there idea, but I was discussing in voice having an IRC server for totalfreedom as an alternative to discord using UnrealIRCD and Anope. Would this be a popular idea or not?
I have suggested this before on OG TF, the general response was “meeeh it's not going to be popular because people are not going to bother setting up an IRC client + discord is easier anyway”. We could try doing that, but as mentioned before, I doubt that it will be popular or that anyone will ever use it.
meeeh it's not going to be popular because people are not going to bother setting up an IRC client + discord is easier anyway
I don't think people realize how easy IRC is to set up. You can connect to an IRC server via telnet if you wanted to. Or via the web browser. Discord is only easier due to the principal of "you probably already have a discord account". Even if it's just as a backup to the regular discord server if it gets terminated due to some keyboard monkey being socially engineered (this happens all the time) it would be appreciated.
I don't think people realize how easy IRC is to set up. You can connect to an IRC server via telnet if you wanted to. Or via the web browser.
mann das what I was saying..

Discord is only easier due to the principal of "you probably already have a discord account".
...which I pretty much hate to be honest, but then again, all you have to do is make a username, give them your birthdate, a phone number (DEFINITELY not forcefully, not under my watch!!!), and then you can make a community (a “server”, which is actually a “guild”)
and then that's why I returned to discord — because I was refused tech support on Divolt (take a billion guesses what kind of tech support) and then they told me to come over to discord… MAN WHAT WAS DIVOLT MADE FOR THEN?!

though it would be cool to use an ""old"" protocol such as IRC, would vouch if this was a suggestion
honestly i'm down for this, i personally have only used irc like once and it was a while ago (don't ask cause i don't remember).
Discord was created to replace platforms like Skype, Teamspeak, and IRC, and all it did was become yet another Skype. It hogs resources, its management refuses to listen to complaints by its users, and its moderation is terrible. One wrong move and your Discord account of 6+ years is disabled because you said a number and they thought you were talking about your age.

I believe the scope of this suggestion should be extended to the concept of using alternative chat services like Matrix and not just IRC. While IRC is great, it's fairly outdated.
object, we dont need more platforms
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Discord is one of the most popular instant messaging/VoIP platforms, it's used because it was intuitive at the time and it is easy to setup. As you've stated, most of the users that want to join our discord community most likely already have a discord account. They shouldn't have to then make another account on a completely different site to connect to another community that won't be nearly as popular as the discord is.

This seems incredibly pointless, let's stick with what works. Object
let's stick with what works
That's the problem, Discord doesn't really work. Here's why:
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Their server moderation system is utter shit
So is their user moderation. I've had to deal with *several* long term abusers before I retired from managing discord servers. Every report with evidence of the matter occurring was met with a vague "we'll investigate what's happening" followed by nothing being done. Every other platform (reddit, twitter before it was cucked, instagram) has no issues with telling you if your report was actioned or not, but apparently for privacy concerns (or just pure stubbornness) discord can't do that.

I hate having to rely on centralized platforms ran by people who couldn't use a toilet without falling into it. I honestly believe a community like this shouldn't be relying on Discord as much as it does (I was literally told by the execs once that discord was apparently the best platform for communicating with them, which at that point why even have the forums available if you're going to default to discord for everything). Especially with what video describes regarding the monkeys who throw bans at users and servers with no mercy.

I've seen methods where people get a bunch of accounts and spam discord account tokens in a server, and then report the server for having discord account tokens in it. These are not people you want to rely on.
Honestly I object. Discord isn't great but we still have the forums if Discord decides to do some stupid shit. I think it would just be another dead platform and if we were to outright move to IRC, we would basically kill our playerbase because who's going to log into IRC just for TF?
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