Server Fix FAWE's blocklist

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Senior Admin
To my understanding, some effort has been put into making sure some types of blocks can still be manipulated with FAWE with specific tools or commands.
However, either by an oversight or a leftover of previous config changes, some things are blocked where they shouldn't have (I think in worldedit-config.yml?) and now we can't even create and use schematics because any build that use the following are broken even for admins:
  • all types of doors (but not trapdoors)
  • torch
  • redstone torch
  • redstone dust
  • redstone repeater
  • redstone comparator
Here are my 2 propositions:
  1. Unblock the types above. As of now any build that has a room or a redstone mechanism is impossible to save and reuse. We don't want to repeat history, do we?
  2. Let admins bypass the blocks, I think worldedit.anyblock is to be used, just like it used to be in the old TF. They're competent enough and can assist players if they need help with something that's restricted but safe in that specific case, thus helping with engagement.
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