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Canceled: Bending world wipe notice

The bending world will be wiped in a week due to the size becoming massive in a very short period of time. The world will be put up for download and will be regenerated.

Okay, so, I made that thread late last night without fully thinking it through. The bending world has grown nearly 30GB in just a few days. Permission was given for the event. However, in it's current state, it's unsustainable to do them. I can make an events world that gets wiped frequently. For now, I'm trying chunk trimming first before wiping the bending world. Going forward, world borders will be set after world wipes. For now, they should all be off

Edit: I was able to trim the chunks and the world wipe is canceled for now.

Organizational change for LBRs

LBRs are changing. We now have two lists, which you can find in the quick links.

The first is the long-term ban list which is people who are banned with an expiration date. This is now on a Google Calendar and organized by date. This is done for the sake of organization and knowing when to unban people.
The second list is the list of unappealably banned or bans with no expiry. This list is also just for organizational purposes.

LBRs are public on the TF forum now and there's not as big of a reason for the spreadsheet anymore. We are still keeping it up for transparency reasons. Going forward, both lists will be used and updated, but we have reorganized it into a way that makes more sense.

Executive Structure Changes (04/25/2024)

I've been meaning to post this for a while so my apologies for it not being sooner. If you haven't noticed on our Discord Server, there have been a few changes within our Executive Team. Going forward, we will be removing the Community Manager and Ban Manager executive roles. The Community Manager role will be replaced with a Marketing & Events Coordinator / Manager position. Applications for that and for EAO will be available to Senior Administrators by the start of next week.

Thank you to Fleek for all the work he has done, and how he continues to pay for the hosting of our server and any services.
Thank you to Video and Alco for the executive work they've done whether it was behind the scenes or not and for their contributions.

Long-Term Ban Requests can now be viewed by Everyone

This announcement is for a change regarding Long-Term Ban Requests which is in response to a suggestion raised in the suggestion for notifying players of an active LBR filed for them, specifically, due to the addition of a new plugin that enables certain elements of a post to be restricted to staff-only. This plugin permits the redaction of sensitive data while the rest of the LBR can be made viewable which avoids privacy concerns regarding things such as IP addresses. Admins can also redact certain evidence if it contains sensitive data unsuitable for viewing by the general public such as exploits, etc. as well. Essentially, players can see why an LBR was filed against them or if a player has been unappealably banned following a majority vote by the Executive team. This change overall increases transparency and allows admins to show players why they have an open LBR.

However, one thing that didn't change is that voting is still Admins-only. Players can view active and processed ban requests, but to prevent unfair rigging of votes, they cannot reply to the requests. If there is evidence supporting a ban or against it that comes to light, players are advised to message an admin and have them reply to the ban request.

Long-Term Ban Requests can be viewed here.​

Server Downtime Notice

This is a notice that on February 11th, the server will be taken offline for a minimum of a day and extended until further notice to permit the flatlands to be restored to the previous day (February 10th) following an incident where a player abused an exploit causing extensive damage to the server, preventing worlds from being saved and causing the server to experience repeated crash loops.

The extent of the damage is currently being evaluated and additional world rollbacks may be required if the damage extends to other worlds.

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