Server Fix the Community Guidelines


Well-known member
This is something I've been considering writing for a while now, and each LBR I want to write it more and more. By this point, I think it's absolutely mandatory I speak up about the rules that have been put in place.

The current TF Community Guidelines are vague, illegible, have insufficient detail, and do not provide the rules that a player would need to know to play on the server. These are the same exact rules, which, if a player does /rules, show up. These are the same rules, which we have been taking reference from in our sanctions for griefing, trollpotting, and crashing the server. These are THE rules which we have been following as a playerbase, and have been making assumptions for, telling the player "Griefing's in the rules" when it clearly is not.

The current "guidelines" in place are nothing but an information board. It talks about everything but the conduct we expect in TF. A new player does not need to know about promotions, language nor media to play on this server, but they need to know the ground basis of what we've built up in TF, which is a non-anarchy, free-build/free-OP, creative server. The rules need to be edited in such a way where they define the rules to include our basic "common sense" of for example:

- No griefing
- No trollpotting
- No lag machines, or crashing the server
- Be respectful

These are merely an example which obviously needs to be expanded upon, but you get the point. Yes, players should know about hierarchy, language, media, exploits and respect. But, what they need to know more as a Minecraft player on a Minecraft server is what not to do in the game, not in chat.

I vote to completely rewrite the community guidelines as a whole, taking Ryan's previous rules as a reference and the rules we used to go off before as Admins. LBRs are unwritable. "What does this fall under in the community guidelines?" Only God knows. There are zero mention of anything a player needs to know in these guidelines, and we have to fix that.

TL;DR The current guidelines do not provide enough rules or information for a new player. Please rewrite them, preferably from Ryan's previous guidelines as a reference.
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People hate the forums so I have to vouch FOR them. Telesphoreo or whoever manages the forums, stop me if this is wrong.
From now on, unless someone stops me, ping me in the Discord with your message vouching if you do not like the forums. Thanks!

Message link:

As per what Telesphoreo said, I will no longer be doing this, and stop being entitled. :D
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People hate the forums so I have to vouch FOR them. Telesphoreo or whoever manages the forums, stop me if this is wrong.
From now on, unless someone stops me, ping me in the Discord with your message vouching if you do not like the forums. Thanks!
Message link:
View attachment 311
no. we're not doing that. while your suggestion might be valid, we're not going to be passive aggressive the entire way through and subvert voting to a different platform. no one has ever complained about using them prior to TFR, and we've been using them for ten years. as I've said countless times, constructive criticism about what you don't like and what can be improved about the forums is fine. but hating them because personal preference? too bad. in the real world you have to put up with things you may not like sometimes. i don't like the Discord. but I'm not posting every message here and posting it on discord. stop being entitled.

if you want to vote in the USA, you have to do it the same way everyone else does. you don't get to send a screenshot to the county office with your vote because you don't feel like filling out the ballot. and i'm not going to allow that here either under the principles of common sense and you don't get to be entitled and are above everyone else.
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People hate the forums so I have to vouch FOR them. Telesphoreo or whoever manages the forums, stop me if this is wrong.
From now on, unless someone stops me, ping me in the Discord with your message vouching if you do not like the forums. Thanks!
Message link:
View attachment 311
Okay, actual complaint here; If these people can't even bother to make a forum account, then they shouldn't participate on matters like this. I don't think anyone wants to see future suggestions just be screenshots from the Discord server. What do we benefit from doing this?

As to the actual suggestion. I vouch. We're at a point where the guidelines are too simple. Sure they cover blanket situations like trolling, but they don't cover our more obscure rules. I liked the one we had back in 2020-2021 or so where it would just be small bullet points, never needing to be in sentences. And it was fairly short.
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Vague rulesets like the community guidelines are helpful for platforms like Discord where the name of the game is to just be reasonable and don't be a fuckhead. I don't believe that this is the case for the in-game platform. To give you an idea of how specific the original conduct policy once was, click here to view the last known revision circa January 2020 (the revision is dated December 25, 2019) before it was rewritten later that year. Needless to say, I believe a compromise needs to be made in this sector.

I also believe that the idea of a singular ruleset that acts like the "one size fits all" solution is simply insufficient. Each platform has their own use cases, reasons, and mechanics. The Discord server is all about instant, less-serious communication, the forum is where actual serious topics are discussed and formalized, and the Minecraft server is for people to have fun by building, playing with bending, flying planes, fighting in a deathmatch-style game, etc. For the best results, I believe each one should be looked at individually and evaluated on what their rulesets should be.

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I'm going to make this clear: voting for suggestions has to be done through a forum account. Also, I genuinely do not care whether you dislike the forums or not, it's not a hassle, it's not hard to use, and it's not going anywhere. You can continue to address your complaints but just understand they will be ignored because the forums are not going anywhere.

Oh, and vouch.
Vouch. I was kind of pissed that "respect the platform" isn't here anymore