I got BANNED for building a straight flag?

So today i tried to go in the server , and saw this screen (Not this screen exactly but this is the screen from the first time when i ignored him discriminating against straights)bruh_how_is_this_equality.png
Is the point of a pride flag not to show support for a hated groups? By hating on the straight flag,or by banning ppl for building it,you are only making it more and more of a real thing

Is'nt banning someone for a innocent build discrimination? How is this offensive? I asked quack95,and he said,"bc im celebrating being the default" Excuse me? First off,who cares if im celebrating being the "default" Second,you arent born with ANY sex drive,so asexual i the technical default,saying anything else is default is placing them higher than other groups

So my suggestion for you,quack95? Quit banning ppl for showing support for their group,and quit being a bigot. Before i send the screenshots of the discord messages,bc then you might just get demoted.
Btw,by hated groups i mean groups that didnt really do much or anything wrong.
saying this before someone says "Uhm acktually,your broad definition makes the nazi flag a prideflag"
Well,im referring to relatively innocent groups(such as stragihts,gays,christians,buddists),not evil dictatorships.
Is the point of a pride flag not to show support for a hated groups? By hating on the straight flag,or by banning ppl for building it,you are only making it more and more of a real thing
Straight people are not a "hated group" by anyone except for white girls on Twitter who get offended if you don't use their terms like Latinx or disagree with something you say.

Is'nt banning someone for a innocent build discrimination? How is this offensive?
You built it in response to the existence of a transgender pride flag that was also at spawn.

Quit banning ppl for showing support for their group,and quit being a bigot.
You burnt a gay pride flag on the original server and then tried to justify it several times. You of all people should not be complaining about bigotry.

Before i send the screenshots of the discord messages,bc then you might just get demoted.
Straight people are not a "hated group" by anyone except for white girls on Twitter who get offended if you don't use their terms like Latinx or disagree with something you say.

You built it in response to the existence of a transgender pride flag that was also at spawn.

You burnt a gay pride flag on the original server and then tried to justify it several times. You of all people should not be complaining about bigotry.

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The reason the pride movement exists is because of the oppression, abuse, prejudice etc that people have received all throughout history, and still in the modern era, for simply loving someone of the same gender.

Respectfully, straight people have never been oppressed for their sexuality, it's not illegal anywhere or punishable by death, it's not considered a sin by the biggest major world religions, there's no need for straight pride as a result of that - it's the norm.

Straight pride is only really used as an offensive retort to the gay pride movement by people who want to demean the movement. Thus, that's probably why you were banned. It's a flag that does come with the intention to cause offence, especially such when built near a pride flag.

The bans expired, but I hope this gives you a little more insight into why it happened and such.
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The ban is expired so this is marked as "approved".

But its in spam and drama so is it even a real appeal?