Server patch some things with area effect cloud and block display

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Well-known member
I know spawning custom entities is not intended but I wish you keep it.

ok so some things with area effect cloud and block display make bad player experience, like:
Block display: Blackholes
Area effect cloud: Big particle radius (especially mixed with explosion particles and it's total client death)
[No screenshot :(]

I do wish you restrict those things in some way so I dont have to wander around spawn either calling mods to do /killall entities or //cut'ing with -e.
I'm not sure how these are being created in the first place so I don't know how to prevent it
I'm not sure how these are being created in the first place so I don't know how to prevent it
here's the NBT for blackhole: {display: {Name: '{"text":"Shadow Hole by Gingowori"}'}, EntityTag: {shadow_radius: 1.0E7f, shadow: 1b, view_range: 1.0E7f, id: "minecraft:text_display", shadow_strength: 1.0E7f}}
I think area cloud effect is an obvious one
The display entities are worth being looked into to see if there's something that needs to be patched in Scissors.
I'm not sure how these are being created in the first place so I don't know how to prevent it
People are able to use dispensers with modified spawn eggs. Unlike old TF, any attempt to spawn custom entities isn't blocked. The egg is pre-loaded into a dispenser using NBT editors and activating the dispenser bypasses any checks we do have.
People are able to use dispensers with modified spawn eggs. Unlike old TF, any attempt to spawn custom entities isn't blocked. The egg is pre-loaded into a dispenser using NBT editors and activating the dispenser bypasses any checks we do have.
The issue was that whoever wrote the original patch for dispensers that handled spawn eggs forgot to cancel the event so it would spawn both the entity and also an entity with the same type as the spawn egg. It's since been patched as of three days ago and has since been rolled out to the server -

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