quack95 - Discord Mod Application

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Well-known member
1) What is your IGN?
My IGN is quack95.

2) What is your Discord username?
My username is quack95.

3) Have you had any experience on TF in the past? Not exactly the past but present. I'm currently an admin on TF and have been for a little under a year. I've been a member of TF since 2019 or 2020 (I cannot remember)

4) Why do you think you should be chosen for the role? If I'm not active ingame, I'm active on the Discord, or both at the same time. When other moderators aren't online I certainly am. I'd consider that I help immensely with administrating ingame and I see many problems on Discord arise which I wish to take action in but can't. I operate quickly, knowing what to do as soon as there's a problem and believe I'd be great as a moderator.
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