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Most of you know me as Stampeding these days but really, the OGs know I'm Telephone. Anyway, I thought since the server is shutting down anyway, I'd make this little appeal because why not at this point.

I'm not going to be following any structure in particular here, what you see is me being sincere though.

Okay so I've been a serial troll here for the past 7 years. Finally, just about a month ago, probably not even, I was well and truly banished. Despite threats to come back, I never had intention to do so until the van was actually lifted. I don't have time for the bullshit that I used to have time for, or skip school for sometimes.

Now that the server is going anyway, I'd like to extend a sincere apology for the past almost decade of my shenanigans, I'm not even going to begin to list all the stupid shit I've done because I've probably hit nearly every stupid trick in the book at this point.

Okay then, I kinda hear you all saying that I can't be sincere if I don't recognise some of what I've done. So, to name a few I have rallied people against other people, serial bypassed in the cracked days, fucked around with people's builds and various player data, been a general retard, etc etc. Those of you who have had the chance to actually speak to the real, unfiltered me knows that's just me fucking around, those who don't know, I extend my apologies for any shit I ever gave you.

But even to those who were lucky enough to know the real, unfiltered me, I also extend my apologies. For breaking your trust and probably acting so stupid that I probably convinced you in the end that I was actually just another asshole.

We've had some good conversations and frankly, probably better than some I've had in my working days so far so really, those of you who have actually engaged in an intelligent conversation with me, all credit to you with what you know and do, you're gonna go far. To those of you who haven't, try having a conversation about anything tech related with me apart from programming. You'll have a ball.

Now to the last bit of this, I would like to ask to be unbanned in game, for the last few days. In that time, I can assure you I can be the player that's the complete opposite to "Telephone". But that's on the final vote, so people, make your vote, let's make TF go out with a bang.

*Mic drop*
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Object. You got a three month ban, returned, caused trouble, and got slapped with a two year long ban, and it's only been two out of the twenty-four months.
Object. You got a three month ban, returned, caused trouble, and got slapped with a two year long ban, and it's only been two out of the twenty-four months.
But how does one serve a 24 month ban anyway if the server is due to close in a matter of days?

I appreciate I caused trouble, but using a measurement of time at this stage is pointless.
i'm going to have to respectfully object, the server closing is no excuse to try and squeeze out an appeal especially when it was filed recently. sorry telephone :cry:
LMFAO object. You know what the rules are. You deliberately broke them right after your LBR was lifted and then played dumb as to why you got banned again. Server closing isn't an excuse. You knew better and if you wanted to actually be here, you shouldn't have broken the rules immediately after your LBR.
But how does one serve a 24 month ban anyway if the server is due to close in a matter of days?

I appreciate I caused trouble, but using a measurement of time at this stage is pointless.
That's unfortunately no one's problem but yours. You received the ban because of what you did, and now you have to pay the consequences. You should've better understood the circumstances you were in at the time.
I would have to object, I witnessed your sh** and you kept trolling right after you got out of an LBR
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Server closure or not, you had plenty of chances to improve and you've failed to do so, especially since your previous LBR expired and you resumed your normal ways with the result being yet another LBR in a rather short timespan. Using the server closure as leverage isn't gonna work. You've had, as you've said, 7 years of playtime. That's plenty of time for you to understand what the rules are.

I Object.
I think the entire reason you're appealing is because of the server closing. You did shit, you got LBR'd, it expired, you did shit, you got LBR'd. What makes us think you won't do shit for the third time?
7 years of playing a character alongside myself actually made people actively hate me and reprimand me for the obvious 😂 ah well it was worth a shot. Bumping just for the last few community members, but I imagine this is an object overall.
7 years of playing a character alongside myself actually made people actively hate me and reprimand me for the obvious 😂 ah well it was worth a shot. Bumping just for the last few community members, but I imagine this is an object overall.
wait you WERENT a bt agent looking to sell me an iphone 3g for 8 morbillion rupees?

What the fuck
wait you WERENT a bt agent looking to sell me an iphone 3g for 8 morbillion rupees?

What the fuck
I was Telephone. Telephone was everything that I'm not and a complete act 😂 BT was just a common joke towards the end. If I return, I can promise no more BT, Ranjit Singh Songh or any other shenanigans.
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