wierd, cool or strange websites on the internet? (NO NSFW OR ELSE!!)

Some of my more fun adventures has been through Google Dorking. I once found some poor soul's sound system just exposed to the internet for anyone to fuck with including volume controls. You can imagine what kind of fun I had when I was still working the night shift.
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Some of my more fun adventures has been through Google Dorking. I once found some poor soul's sound system just exposed to the internet for anyone to fuck with including volume controls. You can imagine what kind of fun I had when I was still working the night shift.
The same poor sod would later be revealed to have a smart home system for lighting. Needless to say, after blasting their sound system at max volume and turning the lights on and off at ridiculously late hours in the night on multiple occasions, the sound system was taken offline around a few weeks later.
The same poor sod would later be revealed to have a smart home system for lighting. Needless to say, after blasting their sound system at max volume and turning the lights on and off at ridiculously late hours in the night on multiple occasions, the sound system was taken offline around a few weeks later.
The house owner to the poor unsuspecting salesman at the Best Buy where he presumably got all this smart shit from:

A much more intriguing find is brought to you by yours truly circa August 2019. I discovered a large web/FTP server located in Poland which hosted a collection of various files like drivers for various pieces of hardware, marketing materials, installers for old software, and an ISO for a copy of Windows Storage Server 2012 R2. Because I was so thoroughly obsessed with archiving pretty much anything I could get my hands on back then (even more so than now), I actually left my computer on for several days straight downloading what I could off of it, resulting in a whopping 50 GB worth of stuff being downloaded.

Here's a tree of files that were downloaded and stored on my old external hard drive:
tree /f said:
| Warunki_Gwarancji_Optoma.pdf
| | diagnostyka-obrazowa.zip
| | Teatr.Ogromny.Wyspianskiego.w.technologii.Digital.Signage.avi
| |
| | CA_brochure_pl (solutions quide)_03.pdf
| | ca_desktop_management_suite_r11_ds.pdf
| | roadshow_CA.pdf
| |
| _Bluecoat
| | BCS_av2000_ds.pdf
| | BCS_av400_ds.pdf
| | BCS_content_filtering_ds.pdf
| | BCS_director_ds.pdf
| | BCS_reporter_ds.pdf
| | BCS_sg400_ds.pdf
| | BCS_sg8000_ds.pdf
| | BCS_sg800_ds.pdf
| | BCS_webproxy_ds.pdf
| | BC_WebFilter-Category-Description.pdf
| | BC_WebFilter.pdf
| | Content Filtering with Integrated ISSProventia for ProxySG.pdf
| | Content Filtering with Integrated SurfControl for ProxySG.pdf
| |
| _BobKent
| | | autorun.exe
| | | autorun.inf
| | |
| | AutoPlay
| | | autorun.cdd
| | |
| | Audio
| | | Click1.ogg
| | | High1.ogg
| | |
| | Buttons
| | | av.btn
| | | bob.btn
| | | im.btn
| | | info.btn
| | | meta.btn
| | | movie.btn
| | | p2p.btn
| | | proxy.btn
| | | SG.btn
| | |
| | Docs
| | | BCS_BobKent.html
| | | BCS_BobKent.swf
| | | BCS_BobKent_config.xml
| | | BCS_BobKent_controller.swf
| | | BCS_controlling_p2p_applications.pdf
| | | BCS_ds_av2000.pdf
| | | BCS_SecureProxyApp_wp.pdf
| | | BC_IM_Policy_wp.pdf
| | | ds_sg800_4pg.pdf
| | | META_Growing_Security_Threat.pdf
| | |
| | Images
| | BKS_Splash_Background3.png
| |
| _F-Secure
| | avcs.pdf
| | avgw.pdf
| | avlx.pdf
| | avsbs.pdf
| | avts.pdf
| | f-secure-pdf.pdf
| | pm.pdf
| | sytuacja_kryzysowa-najszybsza_reakcja.ppt
| |
| _ISS Bezpieczenstwo IT
| | | heidelberger.wmv
| | |
| | ISS Dynamiczna korelacja
| | | ISS - Dynamic Correlation PL.pdf
| | | ISS - Dynamic Correlation.pdf
| | |
| | ISS Informacje - Secured 2004
| | | BankingonSecurity.pdf
| | | CaseStudy.pdf
| | | HowTo.pdf
| | | InsideTrackCobion.pdf
| | | KeystoKingdom.pdf
| | | NewLevelofProtection.pdf
| | | PointofView.pdf
| | | ProductSpotlight.pdf
| | | SOS.pdf
| | | X-pertAdvice.pdf
| | |
| | ISS Ochrona_wyprzedzaj1ca atak
| | | ISS IPS WhitePaper.pdf
| | | ISS Obrona wyprzedzajaca.pdf
| | | ISS Ochrona wyprzedzaj1ca -skr¢t.pdf
| | | ISS Pree-Emptive Prot ExBrief.pdf
| | | ISS Pree-Emptive Prot Whitpaper PL.pdf
| | |
| | ISS Rozwi1zania
| | | ISS Produkty.pdf
| | | ISS Technologie.pdf
| | |
| | ISS Kompleksowa ochrona IT
| | | ISS 05 02 Proventia M PL.pdf
| | | ISS Proventia M10 -SIWZ (draft).doc
| | | ISS Proventia M30 -SIWZ (draft).doc
| | | ISS Proventia M50 -SIWZ (draft).doc
| | | ISS Proventia PB.pdf
| | | Proventia M - Reklama.jpg
| | | ProventiaM10_QuickStartGuide_2.1.pdf
| | | ProventiaMSeries_Datasheet.pdf
| | | ProventiaMSeries_FAQ.pdf
| | | Proventia_Integrated_Appliance_Brochure.pdf
| | | Proventia_MSeries_2.1_Third_Party_Licenses.pdf
| | | Proventia_MSeries_UserGuide_2.1.pdf
| | | Proventia_M_Public_Product_Anouncement_120704.pdf
| | |
| | ISS Ochrona sieci i serwer¢w - IPS
| | | ISS 05 02 Proventia G PL.pdf
| | | ISS Proventia G - SIWZ (draft).doc
| | | ISS Proventia G Guide.pdf
| | |
| | ISS Ochrona Stacji Roboczych - DP
| | | Start-ISS.html
| | |
| | ISS Zarz1dzanie - SP
| | rsspigInstallationandImplementation.pdf
| | rsspigInstallationandImplementation20sp4.pdf
| | rsspSystemRequirements20sp4.pdf
| |
| _Nokia
| | IP 260
| | | 14966092_NHMdatasheetNA_04May10.pdf
| | | 7671948_SEC_SecureAdministrativeConnections.pdf
| | | nokiaip260-ip265_datasheet_emea.pdf
| | |
| | IP VPN
| | 33417896_Nokia_100i_datasheet_EMEA_PUBLIC_05DEC15.pdf
| | 33417954_Nokia_10i_datasheet_EMEA_PUBLIC_04DEC30.pdf
| | 33418022_Nokia_50i_datasheet_EMEA_PUBLIC_04DEC15.pdf
| | 33418124_Nokia_5i_datasheet_EMEA_PUBLIC_04DEC30.pdf
| | 33419743_Nokia_IPVPN_Product_Matrix_CHANNEL_04DEC30.pdf
| | 34560859_WhitePaper_IP_CLustering_Power_of_Nokia_IP_VPN_PUBLIC_05JAN05.pdf
| | fb.swf
| | index.html
| | popup.html
| | vpn.swf
| |
| _Premier
| | Premier_300dpi.zip
| |
| _Surfcontrol
| | EmailFilter_datasheet.pdf
| | InstantMessage_datasheet.pdf
| | RiskFilter_datasheet.pdf
| | Total_Solution.pdf
| | WebFilter_Datasheet.pdf
| |
| _twojastrefapc
| | | ar804gu2.tif
| | | dvd.tif
| | | kubek.tif
| | | parasol.tif
| | | polar.tif
| | | Veracomp_CMYK.jpg
| | | Veracomp_CMYK.tif
| | | Veracomp_RGB.jpg
| | | wrls pci 511g_bigga.jpg
| | |
| | luxpro_square
| | PICT0001.JPG
| | PICT0002.JPG
| | PICT0003.JPG
| | PICT0004.JPG
| | PICT0005.JPG
| | PICT0006.JPG
| | PICT0007.JPG
| | PICT0008.JPG
| | PICT0009.JPG
| | PICT0010.JPG
| | PICT0011.JPG
| | PICT0012.JPG
| |
| _Uwierzytelnianie osob
| SafeWord RA- Product Brief.pdf
| SCC SafeWord PremierAccess - SIWZ.doc
| SCC SafeWord PremierAccess- opis dzia3ania.doc
| SCC SafeWord PremierAccess- opis dzia3ania.pdf
| 3com
| | docs
| | Certfikaty_zgodnosci
| | | 3C16472+EC+DoC.pdf
| | | 3C17203-04-06-10 + modules EU DoC.pdf
| | | 3C17300 & 302 EU DoC.pdf
| | | CE_3C17203;3C17206+moduly_pl.pdf
| | | CE_3C17300 & 302 EU_pl.pdf
| | | Jafar (3CRSHPW796)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 3013)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 3018)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5000 2-port E1-CE1-PRI MIM)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5000 3C13767)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5000 4-port ISDN BRI MIM)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5009 1-port Fractional E1 SIC)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5009 2-port ISDN BRI SIC)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5200 5600 3C13766)_pl.pdf
| | | Janeway (router 5200 5600 3C13777)_pl.pdf
| | | NBX E1 Line Card_3C10165_pl.pdf
| | | NBX E1 Quad BRI Card_3C10164_pl.pdf
| | | Office Connect ESD+01027-04.pdf
| | | Rivet (WL-450)_pl.pdf
| | | RTTE DoC (WL-526).pdf
| | | RTTE DoC WL-540A.pdf
| | | RTTE WL-463 DoC.pdf
| | | RTTE WL-531.pdf
| | | RTTE WL-535 DoC.pdf
| | | Satchel (SL-3040)_pl.pdf
| | | Srapee AP8000 (WL-306)_pl.pdf
| | | Stiletto (SL-1021)_pl.pdf
| | | Sultan Wizard (WL-525)_pl.pdf
| | | Tappan Zee (WL-311)_pl.pdf
| | | Verrazano Bridge (WL-306)_pl.pdf
| | | Verrazano Bridge (WL-306)_pl_1.pdf
| | | WL-455_EMC_LVD_DOC.pdf
| | |
| | Routers
| | !__Przekierowywanie port¢w danych us3ug poprzez NAT do wewnˆtrzych serwer¢w.doc
| | Konfiguracja _routerow_3Com_3013_FW_120_do_Frame-Relay_d?.pdf
| | Konfiguracja _routerow_3Com_3013_FW_120_do_Frame-Relay_z?.pdf
| |
| | 09011b028158adda-1374492488713.zip
| | actis.zip
| | ALU WLAN materialy.zip
| | ALU.zip
| | Firmware.zip
| | oxe.zip
| | oxo.zip
| |
| alvarion
| | BAII
| | | firmware
| | | BA-II_Ver 4_5_17.zip
| | |
| | docs
| | | BreezeAccess
| | | Breezenet
| | | | breezenet 5_1 manual.pdf
| | | | PRO11ConfigUtilityReleaseNote.PDF
| | | | pro11_configuration_utility_users_guide.pdf
| | | |
| | | Homologacje
| | | | Homologacja_BreezeLink.JPG
| | | |
| | | Manual
| | | | BreezeMAX PRO CPE Installation Manual_060424.pdf
| | | | BreezeMAX version 1.5 System Manual 050705.pdf
| | | | BreezeMAX3000 BST version 2[1].0 System Manual 060219.pdf
| | | |
| | | WiMAX
| | | | BreezeMAX3000 version 1.5 System Manual 050801.pdf
| | | |
| | | Wnioski_do_URT
| | | BMAX-URTiP.zip
| | | Formularz_KS_Breezecom.doc
| | | formularz_KS_breezecom.zip
| | | Formularz_KS_zalacznik1.doc
| | | Formularz_KS_zalacznik2_AP.doc
| | | Formularz_KS_zalacznik2_SA.doc
| | | Formularz_KS_zalacznik3_abonent.doc
| | | Formularz_KS_zalacznik3_baza.doc
| | |
| | drivers
| | | 5.1.36
| | | | BN_5_1_36.zip
| | | | N5_1_36.ap
| | | | N5_1_36.sa
| | | | PRVMIB.MIB
| | | | Rel BreezeNET Ver 5_1_36.doc
| | | | tftp.exe
| | | | Upgrade_procedure_5_1_36.doc
| | | |
| | | BA
| | Software
| | | Alvaristar
| | | CPE
| | | macroBase
| | | microBase
| | | Network_Gateway
| | | 20050914_Tel088_V2.0.4.bin
| | | Network Gateway release note 051122.pdf
| | |
| | testy
| | | 090313
| | | AlvariSTAR4.0.iso
| | | BreezeMAX_3k_DOC.zip
| | | DD_BMAX_5.1.0.zip
| | |
| | tools
| | | BA_4058.ZIP
| | | snmpc5100eval.exe
| | |
| | Site_Proprietary
| | Site Proprietary Procedure for BreezeACCESS II.zip
| | Site_proprietary_procedure_for_PRO11.exe
| |
| | Certyfikaty
| | APC Back-UPS 325I, 475I.jpg
| | Back-UPS CS.jpg
| | Back-UPS Pro 1000 1400.jpg
| | Certyfikat Back 650MI.jpg
| | Certyfikat Cyber Fort.jpg
| | Certyfikat Power Stack.jpg
| | Certyfikaty Back Pro.jpg
| | Cert_B.pdf
| | Cert_ISO.pdf
| | Smart On-line SUOL 1000XLI.jpg
| | Smart On-line SUOL 2000XLI.jpg
| | Smart SUA1000I, 1500I.jpg
| | Smart UPS.jpg
| | Smart-SU1400RMXLI3U.jpg
| | Smart-UPS 700 1000 1400 RMI2U.jpg
| |
| asmax
| | | README
| | |
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| Assuria
| | | S242_AG.pdf
| | | S242_IG.pdf
| | | S242_UG.pdf
| | |
| | Agent
| | | ISS_SS42Agent_win2000.exe
| | | ISS_SS42Agent_win2003.exe
| | | SSVista426.exe
| | |
| | System Scanner Console 4.2.5
| | | readme-4-2-5-SR3.27_19-07-2004.txt
| | | Setup.exe
| | |
| | System Scanner VISTA Server - Version 4.2.6
| audiocodes
| | Datasheets
| | | IPmedia_2000.pdf
| | | IPmedia_5000.pdf
| | | Mediant 8000_Wireline.pdf
| | | Mediant2000_Wireline.pdf
| | | Mediant5000_Wireline.pdf
| | | MP11x_Series.pdf
| | | MP_Series.pdf
| | |
| | Firmware
| | | | Mediant2000_F5.20.038.005.zip
| | | | ramTP1610.cmp
| | | | Udp2file.exe
| | | |
| | | 4.60A
| | | 5.00A
| | | 5.20A
| | | | LTRT-52301 Reference Manual for SIP Gateways & Media Servers Ver 5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-65409 MP-11x & MP-124 SIP User's Manual Ver 5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-89703 Mediant 3000 & TP-8410 & TP-6310 SIP User's Manual Ver 5.2.rar
| | | | M1000_SIP_F5.20A.043.005.cmp
| | | | M1000_SIP_F5.20AEB.004.007.cmp
| | | | MP118_SIP_F5.20A.043.005.cmp
| | | | MP124_SIP_F5.20A.043.005.cmp
| | | | TP1610_SIP_F5.20A.043.005.cmp
| | | |
| | | 5.40A
| | | | M1000_SIP_F5.40A.027.001.cmp
| | | | MP118_SIP_F5.40A.013.004.cmp
| | | | MP124_SIP_F5.40A.013.004.cmp
| | | | TP1610_SIP_F5.40A.013.004.cmp
| | | |
| | | 5.60A
| | | | M1000_SIP_F5.60A.013.005.zip
| | | | M1000_SIP_F5.60A.014.009.cmp
| | | | MP118_SIP_F5.60A.014.009.cmp
| | | | MP124_SIP_F5.60A.014.009.cmp
| | | | TP1610_SIP_F5.60A.014.009.cmp
| | | |
| | | BOOTP
| | | | BootP_2_3_0_7.zip
| | | | BootP_TFTP_User_Manual.pdf
| | | |
| | | EMS Doc
| | | | LTRT-19203 OAM Integration Guide v5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-90517 EMS Release Notes v5 2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-91010 EMS User's Manual v5_2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-94008 EMS Product Description v5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-94115 EMS Server IOM Manual v5 2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-94206_Mediant _ IPMedia 5000 _ 8000 OAM Guide_Ver_5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-94207_Mediant 1000_ OAM Guide_ v5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-94208_Mediant 3000_ IPmedia 3000_ Mediant 2000_ IPmedia 2000 OAM Guide_ v5.2.pdf
| | | | LTRT-94209_Media Pack _OAM Guide _v5.2.pdf
| | | |
| | | Mediant 5.8
| | | | Firmware_5.8.zip
| | | |
| | | MGCP
| | | MP_20x
| | | MP_404
| | | LTRT-53301 MP-40x SIP User's Manual Ver 2.4.pdf
| | | mp40x_sip_2_4_10_17742.zip
| | | mp40x_sip_2_4_12_20912.cmp
| | |
| | Manuals
| | | MP-11X
| | | 02. MP-11x and MP-124 SIP User's Manual Ver 5.4.pdf
| | |
| | MJM
| | | BootP_2_3_0_5.zip
| | | MP118_SIP_F5.60A.014.009.zip
| | |
| | polsh_tones
| | call_progress_poland.dat
| |
| avaya
| | | CD_ENG.exe
| | | dmc.zip
| | |
| | ASA
| | | | autorun.exe
| | | | autorun.inf
| | | | Installation and upgrade.pdf
| | | | VersionInfo
| | | |
| | | Install
| | | | data1.cab
| | | | data1.hdr
| | | | data2.cab
| | | | engine32.cab
| | | | layout.bin
| | | | Setup.bmp
| | | | setup.exe
| | | | setup.ibt
| | | | setup.ini
| | | | setup.inx
| | | |
| | | Utilities
| | | AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe
| | | j2re-1_4_2-windows-i586.exe
| | |
| | AU
| | | Distributed_Office
| | | AVA00949WEN.EXE
| | | AVA00950WEN.EXE
| | | AVA00951WEN.EXE
| | | AVA00952WEN.EXE
| | |
| | AVPpatch
| | | av-mpp-
| | | mpppatch.sh
| | |
| | BP_CD
| | | | ARA VPN.ppt
| | | | ASD Method.ppt
| | | | AU.ppt
| | | | autorun.inf
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation.exe
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v2.exe
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v2.zip
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v3.exe
| | | | Avaya Direct.ppt
| | | | Avaya ExchangePlace.ppt
| | | | Avaya Software Support Policy.ppt
| | | | AvayaBP.exe
| | | | BP Book Structure.doc
| | | | BP Portal.ppt
| | | | BP Program.ppt
| | | | BP Workshop Forms.zip
| | | | BP Workshop Structure FY06.ppt
| | | | BP workshop.ZIP
| | | | Cognos Report.ppt
| | | | Distributor_Inventory _Reporting.xls
| | | | EMEA CSC Phone Contact Details.pdf
| | | | FY'06 SOR Submission Template.xls
| | | | FY'07 SOR Submission Template.xls
| | | | Hyper links slides.xls
| | | | Module I.ppt
| | | | Module II.ppt
| | | | msvbvm60.dll
| | | | Non-ASD Method.ppt
| | | | Online Order Status.ppt
| | | | Phone & Fax Contact Details.pdf
| | | | PLAT.ppt
| | | | PSS.ppt
| | | | RFA Web Ticketing.ppt
| | | | ServiceSpan.ppt
| | | | SOR.ppt
| | | | SSO.ppt
| | | | Worksheet in SOR.ppt
| | | |
| | | ARA
| | | ASD
| | | | asd_installation_instructions.doc
| | | | asd_unistallation_instructions.doc
| | | | TrilogyLite.exe
| | | |
| | | BP Workshop Documentation
| | | | ARA VPN.ppt
| | | | ASD Method.ppt
| | | | AU.ppt
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation.exe
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v2.exe
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v2.zip
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v3.exe
| | | | Avaya Direct.ppt
| | | | Avaya ExchangePlace.ppt
| | | | Avaya Software Support Policy.ppt
| | | | BP Book Structure.doc
| | | | BP Portal.ppt
| | | | BP Program.ppt
| | | | BP Workshop Forms.zip
| | | | BP Workshop Structure FY06.ppt
| | | | Cognos Report.ppt
| | | | Distributor_Inventory _Reporting.xls
| | | | FY'06 SOR Submission Template.xls
| | | | FY'07 SOR Submission Template.xls
| | | | Hyper links slides.xls
| | | | Module I.ppt
| | | | Module II.ppt
| | | | Non-ASD Method.ppt
| | | | Online Order Status.ppt
| | | | PLAT.ppt
| | | | PSS.ppt
| | | | RFA Web Ticketing.ppt
| | | | ServiceSpan.ppt
| | | | SOR.ppt
| | | | SSO.ppt
| | | | Worksheet in SOR.ppt
| | | |
| | | Menu
| | | | install.ico
| | | | menuitem.txt
| | | | menuitem.xls
| | | | menuitem_old.txt
| | | | Phone & Fax Contact Details.pdf
| | | |
| | | PLAT
| | | | PLAT 1.4.3 Full Install.doc
| | | | PLAT 1.4.3 Partial Install.doc
| | | | PLAT 1.4.3 Uninstall.doc
| | | | pl_fullinst.exe
| | | | pl_partinst.exe
| | | |
| | | SAP
| | | | INSTALL_GUI_620.HTM
| | | | SAPpop2000_BP.exe
| | | |
| | | VPN
| | | BP_VPNremote_guide_v1.2.doc
| | | VPNremote_4.1.13sp1_AvayaBP.exe
| | | VPNremote_4.2.23_win2k_xp_bpvpn_itb.exe
| | |
| | CCC
| | | AVAYA_CCC_20070925.pdf
| | | Setup_R06.01.49.zip
| | |
| | CM5
| | | cmr5_doc.zip
| | |
| | docs
| | | !Solutions
| | | | Prze31czniki Avaya - przegl1d.pdf
| | | |
| | | Avaya P13x
| | | | P133G2 Data Sheet.pdf
| | | |
| | | Avaya P33x
| | | | P332G-ML Data Sheet.pdf
| | | | P332GT-ML DataSheet.pdf
| | | | P332MF DataSheet.pdf
| | | | P333T DataSheet.pdf
| | | | P334T DataSheet.pdf
| | | | P33R-LB Data Sheet.pdf
| | | |
| | | Avaya P580
| | | | P580 Data Sheet.pdf
| | | |
| | | Avaya P882
| | | | P882 DataSheet.pdf
| | | |
| | | Zarz1dzanie
| | | CajunRules Overview.pdf
| | | CajunView Overview.pdf
| | | CajunView Teletraining.ppt
| | |
| | drivers
| | Firmware
| | | | mgp_25_33_0.bin
| | | | mm710v18.fdl
| | | | mm760v62.fdl
| | | | p330Tweb.4.6.6.exe
| | | | viisa4_1_6.exe
| | | |
| | | MG350
| | | | g350_sw_26_33_0.bin
| | | | mmanalogh6v87.fdl
| | | |
| | | TN2602
| | | tn2602ap-f33-sig.bin
| | |
| | ip_office
| | | | Avaya_IP_Office_Overview_Brochure.pdf
| | | | Conferencing_2-1.pdf
| | | | Contact_Center_Solutions_V5.pdf
| | | | Convergence_2-1.pdf
| | | | ipo_prezentacja.ppt
| | | | IP_Office_3.0.pdf
| | | | ip_office_product_description.pdf
| | | | Prezentacja_IPO_road_cz1.pdf
| | | | Prezentacja_IPO_road_cz2.pdf
| | | | Prezentacja_IPO_road_cz3.pdf
| | | | ulotka_-_Aplikacje_AVAYA_IP_Office.pdf
| | | | ulotka_-_AVAYA_Komunikacja_Glosowa.pdf
| | | | ulotka_-_AVAYA_Small_Office_Editions.pdf
| | | |
| | | Firmware
| | | 2_1_78BINS.zip
| | | 3_0_69BINS.zip
| | | 3_1_65BINS.zip
| | |
| | ISO
| | | ACM_5_2_0
| | | | S8x00-05.2-02.0.947.3.iso
| | | |
| | | AES_4_2_1
| | | | bundled-r4-2-1-20-5-20080717.iso
| | | |
| | | Dokum
| | | Patches
| | | SES_5_2_0
| | | | SES05.2-02.0.947.3b.iso
| | | |
| | | Witness_7_8
| | | cscm-7.8sp1-2.i586.rpm
| | | cscm-7.8sp1-2.iso
| | | cscm-7.8sp1-2.iso.md5sum.txt
| | | cscm-7.8sp1-2.md5
| | | Release Note.htm
| | |
| | Narzedzia
| | | ASD
| | | | ASD Installation troubleshooting.doc
| | | | asdi2pmodels.exe
| | | | asd_installation_instructions.doc
| | | | BP_VPNremote_guide_v1.1.doc
| | | | InstallASD.exe
| | | | PLAT_1.4.3_Full_Install.doc
| | | | PLAT_1.4.3_Partial_Install.doc
| | | | pl_fullinst.exe
| | | | pl_partinst.exe
| | | | smbsupdatepackage.exe
| | | | Three Steps.doc
| | | | VPNremote4.exe
| | | |
| | | FET
| | | | Feature-Ext-Tool-Install-2_02.exe
| | | | features_extraction_install.pdf
| | | |
| | | LIT
| | | license_install.exe
| | | license_install.pdf
| | |
| | OA
| | | | CheckOAUpgrade.class
| | | | media.inf
| | | | readme.txt
| | | | setup.jar
| | | | WinSetup.exe
| | | |
| | | AIC 7.0 OA Patch
| | | | jce1_2_2.jar
| | | | JCE_Cryptography_patch_7.0.doc
| | | | local_policy.jar
| | | | sunjce_provider.jar
| | | | US_export_policy.jar
| | | |
| | | docs
| | | | AdminTroubleShootingGuide.pdf
| | | | GeneralTroubleShootingGuide.pdf
| | | | Install_Mtce.pdf
| | | | Release.pdf
| | | | ReportingToolsGuide.pdf
| | | | SecurityGuide.pdf
| | | |
| | | OA_DB_Scripts
| | | OA_PATCH
| | | 3plirdme.txt
| | | aixs
| | | aixsetup.cp2
| | | checko~1.cla
| | | media.inf
| | | readme.txt
| | | winsetup.exe
| | |
| | | CLIENT
| | | DOCS
| | | | ODBC52.PDF
| | | |
| | | SERVER
| | patch_5_1_2
| | | 01.2.416.4-17278.tar.gz
| | | CM_2_x_Server_Patch_Procedures.doc
| | | ReleaseNotes_512SP_2.pdf
| | |
| | SIP_ES
| | | 03.1.309.0-sp1.tar.gz
| | |
| | Software
| | | Admin_Tools_5_2
| | | | autorun.exe
| | | | autorun.inf
| | | | LICENSE-3rdParty-IMAdminTools.txt
| | | | VersionInfo
| | | |
| | | AES
| | | | bundled-r3-1-4-build-49-1-20071221.iso
| | | |
| | | Avaya P330 (warstwa 2)
| | | Avaya P333R
| | | AVP_4_1
| | | |
| | | | CSOS-RHE4.0-AV12.2-VP2-20080421.iso
| | | |
| | | AVP_5
| | | |
| | | | CSOS-RHE5.2-AV12.5-VP1-20090804.iso
| | | |
| | | BP_CD
| | | | ARA VPN.ppt
| | | | ASD Method.ppt
| | | | AU.ppt
| | | | autorun.inf
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation.exe
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v2.exe
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v2.zip
| | | | Avaya BP Workshop Presentation_v3.exe
| | | | Avaya Direct.ppt
| | | | Avaya ExchangePlace.ppt
| | | | Avaya Software Support Policy.ppt
| | | | AvayaBP.exe
| | | | BP Book Structure.doc
| | | | BP Portal.ppt
| | | | BP Program.ppt
| | | | BP Workshop Forms.zip
| | | | BP Workshop Structure FY06.ppt
| | | | BP workshop.ZIP
| | | | Cognos Report.ppt
| | | | Distributor_Inventory _Reporting.xls
| | | | EMEA CSC Phone Contact Details.pdf
| | | | FY'06 SOR Submission Template.xls
| | | | FY'07 SOR Submission Template.xls
| | | | Hyper links slides.xls
| | | | Module I.ppt
| | | | Module II.ppt
| | | | msvbvm60.dll
| | | | Non-ASD Method.ppt
| | | | Online Order Status.ppt
| | | | Phone & Fax Contact Details.pdf
| | | | PLAT.ppt
| | | | PSS.ppt
| | | | RFA Web Ticketing.ppt
| | | | ServiceSpan.ppt
| | | | SOR.ppt
| | | | SSO.ppt
| | | | Worksheet in SOR.ppt
| | | |
| | | DD_5_0
| | | | DD_5.0.0.1505_200907241100.jar
| | | | DD_5_0.iso
| | | |
| | | IPAgent
| | | | IPAgentR7028183xp.exe
| | | |
| | | IPSoftphone
| | | | Setup_R06.01.93.zip
| | | | Setup_SP5-R5.29.0.msi
| | | |
| | | Message_Manager
| | | | autorun.inf
| | | | custom.txt
| | | | Docs.txt
| | | | EngLic.TXT
| | | | Hints.TXT
| | | | Install.txt
| | | | Readme.txt
| | | | Setup.EXE
| | | | Silent.txt
| | | | Tutorial.txt
| | | |
| | | SAMP_2_2_3
| | | | samp-update-AVAYA_S8500_2_2_3.zip
| | | |
| | | SES_5_1_2
| | |
| | test
| | | avaya 96xx sip.zip
| | |
| | tools
| | | avaya_world_cup_screensaver.zip
| | |
| | | | 1d3tsapi.pdf
| | | | AES-SDK-Install_3_1.pdf
| | | | cmapijava-sdk-3.1.704.zip
| | | | cmapixml-sdk-3.1.704.zip
| | | | cvlan-client-3.1-6.iso
| | | | jtapi-client-osindependent-3.1-82.zip
| | | | jtapi-client-win32-3.1-69.zip
| | | | jtapi-client-win32-3.1-82.zip
| | | | jtapi-sdk-osindependent-3.1-82.zip
| | | | jtapi-sdk-win32-3.1-82.zip
| | | | Recommend Platform.pdf
| | | | smssvc-sdk-3.1.0.zip
| | | | telsvc-sdk-3.1.704.zip
| | | | tsapi-client-win32-3.1-176.zip
| | | | usrsvc-sdk-3.1.zip
| | | |
| | | client
| | | sdk
| | VPN
| | | ip_office_vpn.pdf
| | | netscr-soffice.pdf
| | |
| | Witness7_8
| | cscm-7.8sp1-2.i586.rpm
| | cscm-7.8sp1-2.iso
| | cscm-7.8sp1-2.iso.md5sum.txt
| | cscm-7.8sp1-2.md5
| | Release Note.htm
| |
| Avaya_IPOffice
| | | csv.zip
| | | ip401ng.bin
| | | Shell_Converter.bat
| | |
| | 2_1
| | CTI
| | CTI_Link_Installation_Manual.pdf
| | DevLink_Programmer's_Guide.pdf
| | TAPI_Link_Developer's_Guide.pdf
| |
| bluecoat
| | Bob Kent
| | | BlueCoat-movie.wmv
| | | BobKent_June14_2006.avi
| | |
| | docs
| | | Bob_Kent.zip
| | |
| | 4.2.2
| | | SGOS_CLI_4[1].2.2.pdf
| | | SGOS_CMG_4[1].2.2.pdf
| | | SGOS_CPL_4[1].2.2.pdf
| | | SGOS_SSLProxyDG_4[1].2.2.pdf
| | |
| | Technical Briefs
| | BCS_content_filtering_ds.pdf
| | BCS_controlling_skype_wp.pdf
| | BCS_Control_WebComm_wp.pdf
| | BCS_tb_accesslog.pdf
| | BCS_tb_active_directory.pdf
| | bcs_tb_advanced_proxyav_integration.pdf
| | BCS_tb_ALSI_Intersafe.pdf
| | BCS_tb_bandwidth_priorities.pdf
| | BCS_tb_basic_troubleshooting.pdf
| | BCS_tb_BC_Web_Filter.pdf
| | BCS_tb_blocking_pop-up_ads.pdf
| | BCS_tb_block_phishing.pdf
| | BCS_tb_bridging_services.pdf
| | BCS_tb_compliance_page.pdf
| | bcs_tb_controlling_IM_worm_propagation.pdf
| | BCS_tb_controlling_P2P.pdf
| | BCS_tb_controlling_spyware.pdf
| | BCS_tb_create_multiple_admins.pdf
| | BCS_tb_creating_IM_policy.pdf
| | BCS_tb_disclaimer_page.pdf
| | BCS_tb_enabling_LDAP_auth.pdf
| | BCS_tb_enabling_NTLM_auth.pdf
| | BCS_tb_enabling_transparent_auth.pdf
| | BCS_tb_exception_pages.pdf
| | BCS_tb_failover_services.pdf
| | BCS_tb_getting_started.pdf
| | BCS_tb_HTML_Search_Policy.pdf
| | BCS_tb_HTTP_compression.pdf
| | BCS_tb_IE_vulnerability.pdf
| | BCS_tb_implementing_WCCP.pdf
| | BCS_tb_Internet_speed_bump.pdf
| | BCS_tb_ISSProventia.pdf
| | BCS_tb_limiting_bandwidth.pdf
| | BCS_tb_local_categories.pdf
| | BCS_tb_native_ftp_proxy.pdf
| | BCS_tb_prevent_buddylink_propagation.pdf
| | BCS_tb_relative_authentication.pdf
| | BCS_tb_reporter_session.pdf
| | BCS_tb_reverse_proxy.pdf
| | BCS_tb_reverse_proxy_with_SSL.pdf
| | BCS_tb_safe_search.pdf
| | BCS_tb_securing_OWA.pdf
| | BCS_tb_sequence_authentication.pdf
| | BCS_tb_siteminder_authentication.pdf
| | BCS_tb_SmartFilter.pdf
| | BCS_tb_splash_page.pdf
| | BCS_tb_SurfControl.pdf
| | BCS_tb_time_based_quota.pdf
| | BCS_tb_tunnelling_applications.pdf
| | BCS_tb_websense_reporter5.2_install.pdf
| | BCS_tb_web_emailpolicy.pdf
| | BCS_webvirus_scanning.pdf
| | tb_BCWF.pdf
| | tb_blocking_HTTP_attacks.pdf
| | tb_blocking_wmf_remote_execution.pdf
| | tb_skype.pdf
| | tb_webmail-2006-03-13.pdf
| |
| d-link
| | DES
| | | | Routing pomiˆdzy VLANs w L3.doc
| | | | Ustawienie_zachodz1cych_VLANs(L2)_na DES-3226S_oraz_DES-3326S_runtime=4.01B33.txt
| | | |
| | | DES-3226S
| | | | Ustawienie_zachodz1cych_VLANs(L2)_na DES-3226S_oraz_DES-3326S_runtime=4.01B33.txt
| | | |
| | | DES-3326S
| | | Routing pomiˆdzy VLANs w L3.doc
| | | Ustawienie zachodz1cych VLANs na DES-3226S_runtime=4.00B31.txt
| | |
| | DI
| | | DI-804HV
| | | | Konfiguracja VPN (IKE) pomiˆdzy dwoma DI-804HV.doc
| | | | Kr¢tkie.info.o.konfigu.SDI.txt
| | | |
| | | DI-804V
| | | Konfiguracja Di-804V z Neostrad1.pdf
| | |
| | DSL
| | DSL-504
| | Podgl1dniecie loginu i hasla.doc
| |
| Extreme
| | NetSight_6.1_InstallationGuide.pdf
| | NetSight_Suite_5.1.0.153_64bit_install.zip
| | Xos154.zip
| |
| fortinet
| | tools
| | | 3CDaemon.zip
| | | FSSO_Setup_4.3.0157.exe
| | | FSSO_Setup_4.3.0157_x64.exe
| | | FSSO_Setup_4.3.0161.exe
| | | FSSO_Setup_4.3.0161_x64.exe
| | | VPNEditor.zip
| | |
| | trial
| | | FAZ_VM32-v500-build0342-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FAZ_VM64-v500-build0342-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FGT_VM32-v5-build0292-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FGT_VM32-v5-build0642-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FGT_VM64-v5-build0292-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FGT_VM64-v5-build0642-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FMG_VM32-v500-build0342-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | | FMG_VM64-v500-build0342-FORTINET.out.ovf.zip
| | |
| | video
| | 20141216_Ikaria.wmv
| |
| HP
| jabra
| | | TM.ZIP
| | |
| | docs
| | Handout_ALCATEL_corded_ENG.xls
| | Handout_ALCATEL_cordless_ENG.xls
| | Handout_AVAYA_schnurgebunden.pdf
| | Handout_AVAYA_schnurlos.pdf
| | Handout_Cisco_corded_ENG.pdf
| | Handout_Cisco_cordless_ENG.pdf
| | Handout_ERICSSON_schnurgebunden.pdf
| | Handout_ERICSSON_schnurlos.pdf
| | Handout_NORTEL_schnurgebunden.pdf
| | Handout_NORTEL_schnurlos.pdf
| | Handout_SIEMENS_corded_ENG.xls
| | Handout_SIEMENS_cordless_ENG.xls
| | Netto Pricelist_January_2007_ENG.xls
| |
| McAfee
| | iPro.rar
| |
| microsens
| | docs
| | | elemSwiat.pdf
| | | Fibrlok.pdf
| | | Fois.pdf
| | | sysModu.pdf
| | | zlacza_roz.pdf
| | | zlaKatoweSC.pdf
| | |
| | drivers
| | | mod20r06.dat
| | | mod20r13.dat
| | | mod20r17.dat
| | | SNMP_Agent_Manual.pdf
| | |
| | tools
| | | mod20r06.dat
| | | mod20r13.dat
| | | mod20r17.dat
| | | SNMP Manager 2.0.6.txt
| | | SNMP_Agent_Manual.pdf
| | |
| | device_manager_3.05
| | | convert.exe
| | | devices.txt
| | | devman.chm
| | | devman.dat
| | | devman.exe
| | | misc.dat
| | |
| | Management dla CWDM
| | | 8cw20r13.dat
| | |
| | remoteGSM
| | config.txt
| | misc.dat
| | modem.cfg
| | remlib.dll
| | remote.cfg
| | remote.exe
| |
| molex
| | docs
| | | mus-00057-0x.pdf
| | | mus-00058-0x.pdf
| | | u1002a.pdf
| | | u1002b.pdf
| | | u1002c.pdf
| | | u1002d.pdf
| | | u1002e.pdf
| | | u1002f.pdf
| | | u1002g.pdf
| | | u1002h.pdf
| | | u1002j.pdf
| | | u1003c.pdf
| | | u1004a.pdf
| | | u1004b.pdf
| | | u1004c.pdf
| | | u1004d.pdf
| | | u1007a.pdf
| | | u108.pdf
| | | u114a.pdf
| | | u114b.pdf
| | | u115a.pdf
| | | u115b.pdf
| | | u1180.pdf
| | | u140.pdf
| | | u141.pdf
| | | u144.pdf
| | | u154.pdf
| | | u155.pdf
| | | u156.pdf
| | | u158.pdf
| | | u165.pdf
| | | u166.pdf
| | | u17.pdf
| | | u171a.pdf
| | | u171b.pdf
| | | u171c.pdf
| | | u172.pdf
| | | u175.pdf
| | | u178.pdf
| | | u181.pdf
| | | u186.pdf
| | | u187.pdf
| | | u188.pdf
| | | u189.pdf
| | | u190.pdf
| | | u191.pdf
| | | u193.pdf
| | | u194.pdf
| | | u197-6.pdf
| | | u199.pdf
| | | u1a.pdf
| | | u20.pdf
| | | u2001.pdf
| | | u2002.pdf
| | | u206.pdf
| | | u207.pdf
| | | u207a.pdf
| | | u208.pdf
| | | u209.pdf
| | | u211.pdf
| | | u212-1.pdf
| | | u212-2.pdf
| | | u213.pdf
| | | u217.pdf
| | | u218-1.pdf
| | | u218-2.pdf
| | | u219-1.pdf
| | | u219-2.pdf
| | | u220.pdf
| | | u221.pdf
| | | u222.pdf
| | | u223-12.pdf
| | | u223-6.pdf
| | | u227.pdf
| | | u228.pdf
| | | u23.pdf
| | | u231.pdf
| | | u232.pdf
| | | u234.pdf
| | | u235.pdf
| | | u236a.pdf
| | | u239.pdf
| | | u250.pdf
| | | u251.pdf
| | | u26.pdf
| | | u262.pdf
| | | u263.pdf
| | | u264.pdf
| | | u265.pdf
| | | u275.pdf
| | | u29.pdf
| | | u30.pdf
| | | u312.pdf
| | | u312a.pdf
| | | u313.pdf
| | | u313a.pdf
| | | u316.pdf
| | | u316a.pdf
| | | u316b.pdf
| | | u316c.pdf
| | | u317.pdf
| | | u318.pdf
| | | u319.pdf
| | | u320.pdf
| | | u321.pdf
| | | u322a.pdf
| | | u322b.pdf
| | | u325.pdf
| | | u326.pdf
| | | u327.pdf
| | | u33.pdf
| | | u330a.pdf
| | | u330b.pdf
| | | u332.pdf
| | | u337.pdf
| | | u337a.pdf
| | | u337b.pdf
| | | u338.pdf
| | | u338a.pdf
| | | u339.pdf
| | | u340.pdf
| | | u341.pdf
| | | u342.pdf
| | | u343.pdf
| | | u344.pdf
| | | u345.pdf
| | | u346.pdf
| | | u347.pdf
| | | u361.pdf
| | | u362.pdf
| | | u363.pdf
| | | u365.pdf
| | | u366.pdf
| | | u367.pdf
| | | u369.pdf
| | | u370.pdf
| | | u371.pdf
| | | u372.pdf
| | | u400.pdf
| | | u401.pdf
| | | u402.pdf
| | | u403.pdf
| | | u404.pdf
| | | u405.pdf
| | | u406.pdf
| | | u407.pdf
| | | u408.pdf
| | | u409.pdf
| | | u410.pdf
| | | u411.pdf
| | | u412.pdf
| | | u413.pdf
| | | u413a.pdf
| | | u413b.pdf
| | | u413c.pdf
| | | u413d.pdf
| | | u414.pdf
| | | u415.pdf
| | | u416.pdf
| | | u417.pdf
| | | u418.pdf
| | | u419.pdf
| | | u42.pdf
| | | u420.pdf
| | | u421.pdf
| | | u422.pdf
| | | u423.pdf
| | | u424.pdf
| | | u425.pdf
| | | u427.pdf
| | | u44-2.pdf
| | | u44-4.pdf
| | | u44a.pdf
| | | u47.pdf
| | | u48.pdf
| | | u49a.pdf
| | | u51.pdf
| | | u52.pdf
| | | u57.pdf
| | | u59a.pdf
| | | u59b.pdf
| | | u59c.pdf
| | | u61a.pdf
| | | u61c.pdf
| | | u61d.pdf
| | | u66a.pdf
| | | u67a.pdf
| | | u67b.pdf
| | | u70.pdf
| | | u71a.pdf
| | | u72.pdf
| | | u80a.pdf
| | | u84.pdf
| | | u86.pdf
| | | u87.pdf
| | | u88a.pdf
| | | u89.pdf
| | | u9.pdf
| | | u90a.pdf
| | | u90b.pdf
| | | u92.pdf
| | | xpressa.pdf
| | | xpressb.pdf
| | | xpressc.pdf
| | |
| | drivers
| | tools
| netgear
| nomadix
| | | Technical.ppt
| | |
| | Dodatki
| | | INformacje
| | HotSpot Management - VCIT
| | | hotspot manager.pdf
| | | hotspot_manager_demo_1.9.exe
| | | hotspot_manager_demo_1.9_subscriber_update_10_03.exe
| | | hotspot_manager_demo_version_2.0.exe
| | | Hotspot_Managwer_readme.txt
| | | Nomadix NOC xSG Management Software - feature list.pdf
| | | Nomadix NOC xSG Management Software.pdf
| | |
| | manual
| | | | Application Note - how to setup a connection to the PMS ..pdf
| | | | Application Note - Secure Enterprise Guest Access.pdf
| | | |
| | | AG2000
| | | | Addendum User Guide 1.3M.pdf
| | | | AG Users Guide 1.3.pdf
| | | | AG2000w_w+ Quick Start.pdf
| | | | Features Overview 1.3M.pdf
| | | | Firmware Upgrade 1 3 Maintenance.pdf
| | | | Readme 1.3 M.pdf
| | | | SNMP MIB README 1.3M .pdf
| | | |
| | | AG3000
| | | | AG3000_User_Guide_NEW 21.4.1.pdf
| | | |
| | | AG5500
| | | | AG 5500 User Guide.pdf
| | | | AG5500_Data_Sheet.pdf
| | | | AG5500_FAQ.pdf
| | | | Routed Subscriber Module PL.pdf
| | | |
| | | HSG
| | | | Addendum User Guide X.3M.pdf
| | | | Features Overview-2.3M.pdf
| | | | Firmware Upgrade 2.3 Maintenance.pdf
| | | | HSG quick start 0304.pdf
| | | | HSG Users Guide 2.3.pdf
| | | | Nomadix_XML_DTDX.3M.pdf
| | | | Readme 2.3 M.pdf
| | | | SNMP MIB README 2.3M .pdf
| | | |
| | | USG II
| | | Addendum User Guide 4.3M.pdf
| | | Features Overview-4.3M.pdf
| | | Firmware Upgrade 4.3 Maintenance.pdf
| | | Nomadix_XML_DTDX.3M.pdf
| | | Readme 4.3 M.pdf
| | | SNMP MIB README 4.3M .pdf
| | | USG II quick start 0304.pdf
| | | USG II Users Guide 4.3.pdf
| | |
| | Nomadix - 802.1x
| | | 802.1x.pdf
| | |
| | Nomadix - Q&A
| | | Nomadix Questions and Answers .doc
| | |
| | Nomadix - Billing Mirror
| | | Bill Mirror Server.zip
| | | billmirror.exe
| | | carbon_log01.txt
| | | carbon_raw01.txt
| | | cc1_4446.bat
| | | cc2_4447.bat
| | | cc3_4448.bat
| | | cygwin1.dll
| | | darwin.log
| | | primary_4444.bat
| | | primary_log.txt
| | | primary_raw.txt
| | | secondary_4445.bat
| | |
| | Nomadix - Data Sheets
| | | AG-200W-ds.pdf
| | | HSG_Data_Sheet.pdf
| | | Nomadix Corporate Brochure1.pdf
| | | USGII_Data_Sheet.pdf
| | |
| | Nomadix - PMS info
| | | Application Note - what is a PMS system in Europe1.doc
| | | guestForm#3.zip
| | | Hotel PMS.doc
| | | how to setup - read me first.doc
| | | micros2way.doc
| | | Micros_PMS_System.zip
| | | PMS record4.doc
| | | PortGrab.exe
| | |
| | Nomadix - Solutions
| | | Enterprise_Guest_Access.pdf
| | | HSG100_Hospitality_Application.pdf
| | | NSE_Access_from_the_Home.pdf
| | | NSE_Access_in_Public_Spaces.pdf
| | | NSE_Integration_in_Public_Devices.pdf
| | | NSE_Integration_in_Residential_Gateways.pdf
| | | NSE_Residential_Access.pdf
| | | NSE_Wi-Fi_HotSpots.pdf
| | |
| | Nomadix - XMLsupport
| | | Nomadix - XMLsupport.zip
| | |
| | Nomadix - XMLsupport - Nowy
| | XMLsupport.zip
| |
| polycom
| | | ipo_eu_0607.6563.zip
| | | polycom,veracomp2.zip
| | |
| | Certyfikaty
| | | Declaration for RTTE.pdf
| | | Declaration+100.pdf
| | | Declaration.pdf
| | | Euro DoC (RTTE).pdf
| | | Iso-9001.pdf
| | | ISO_Certification.zip
| | | MCU_DoC.pdf
| | | PVX Camera DoC GM050002P.jpg
| | | PVX Headset DoC GM059012P.jpg
| | | R&TTE DoC VSX7000e.pdf
| | | R&TTE DOC VSX 5000.pdf
| | | SOS &SoSP Euro DOC.pdf
| | | VST FX & VS4K Euro DOC.pdf
| | | VSt ISDN Euro DOC.pdf
| | | VST non ISDN Euro DOC.pdf
| | | VSX3K&V500 R&TTE.pdf
| | | VSX8000 R&TTE.pdf
| | | wymiana baterii do SoundStation2W.DOC
| | | wymiana baterii do SoundStation2W.pdf
| | |
| | CMA
| | | Integration
| | | config CMA 4.1.02.ppt
| | | DRAFT2 Active Directory Integration Guide v0 1 (2).doc
| | | Pre-staging machine.docx
| | |
| | HDX
| | | Firmware
| | IP4000
| | | spip_ssip_bootrom_3_1_3.zip
| | | spip_ssip_sip_1_6_6.zip
| | |
| | IP500
| | | 2.6.1
| | | bootrom_2_6_1.zip
| | | Rel Notes BOOT ROM 2.6.1.pdf
| | | SS_SP_IP_SIP_1_4_1.zip
| | |
| | PVX
| | | PVX_8_0_4_4035.zip
| | | pvx_8_0_4_release_notes.pdf
| | |
| | SE200
| | | Upgrade_3.0.1
| | | | Dokumentacja_Upgrade_3.0.1.zip
| | | | SE200_30124780_r24780.cab
| | | | SE200_dokumentacja_v3.zip
| | | |
| | | Upgrade_3.0.2
| | | RMSE200_RN_v302.pdf
| | | RM_SE200_upgrade_guide_v301.pdf
| | | SE200_v3_0_2_swrel.zip
| | |
| | SIPPhone
| | | | Adminguide.zip
| | | | Bootrom 3.2.3 Release Notes.pdf
| | | | BootRom_3_2_3_release_sig.zip
| | | | SoundPoint and SoundStation IP - SIP Release Notes 2.1.1.pdf
| | | | spip_ssip_2_1_1_release_sig.zip
| | | | spip_ssip_bootrom_3_2_2.zip
| | | | spip_ssip_sip_2_0_1_sig.zip
| | | | SS_IP_SIP_2.2.zip
| | | |
| | | 166
| | | | spip_ssip_sip_1_6_6.zip
| | | |
| | | 3_2_3
| | | SPIP_SSIP_3_0_3_RevB
| | | spip_ssip_3_0_3RevB_release_sig.zip
| | |
| | Soft
| | | ppcip_1_1_0_8.zip
| | | PPCIP_v1_2.zip
| | |
| | SoftupdateVSX7000
| | | SoftupdateVSX60007000_803.zip
| | |
| | Testy
| | | MVI_1299.AVI
| | |
| | Unified Communications
| | | Zestaw_UC_Guide
| | | MOC_RMX_MeetMeConf_ Video.wmv
| | | OCS_Deployment Aug2009.pdf
| | | PLCM_OCS Demo QRG082409.pdf
| | | Polycom Solutions for Microsoft Unified Communications_Comprehensive_090909.ppt
| | |
| | V500
| | | SoftupdateV500_803.zip
| | |
| | VMC_1000
| | VSX5000
| | | Firmware
| | VSX7000
| | VVX1500
| | | Polycom_VVX_1500_Quick_User_Guide.pdf
| | | SIP_3_1_3_UserGuide.pdf
| | | spip_ssip_vvx_Admin_Guide_SIP_3_2.pdf
| | |
| | BootROM_4_2_0
| | | BootROM_4_2_0_release_notes.pdf
| | | spip_ssip_vvx_BootROM_4_2_0_release_sig.zip
| | |
| | SIP_3_1_3_RevC
| | spip_ssip_3_1_3_RevC_releasenotes.pdf
| | spip_ssip_vvx_3_1_3RevC_release_sig_split.zip
| |
| proxim
| | akty_prawne
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-1.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-2.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-3.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal1.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal2.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal3.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal4.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal5.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal6.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal7.gif
| | | Dz.U.138.poz.1162-zal8.gif
| | |
| | certyfikaty
| | | | 11b.Cardbus.certs.Poland.zip
| | | | Cert.Zgodn.Tsunami.MP11.a-s1.jpg
| | | | Cert.Zgodn.Tsunami.MP11.a-s2.jpg
| | | | Certyfikat PCBC 842x-WD-Raport z bada¤ .pdf
| | | | Certyfikat PCBC 842x-WD.pdf
| | | | Certyfikat.PCBC.PCMCIA.11g.i.Upgrade.Kit.2000.11g.pdf
| | | | certyfikat_zest-Orinoco_11b.jpg
| | | | certyfikat_zest-Orinoco_11g.jpg
| | | | LOO_MP.11x Outdoor_10-05-2004.pdf
| | | | MP.11aR_EU.DoC_09-01-2004.pdf
| | | | Tsunami MP.11aR Salt-Fog test report.pdf
| | | |
| | | EUR
| | | 11abg EUR declaration.pdf
| | | 11abg NB opinion (03214306.CE0).pdf
| | | 11g EN300328 (03042206.r01).pdf
| | | 11g EN301489 (03042206.r02).pdf
| | | 11g EN55022-24 (03042206.r03).pdf
| | | 11g EN60601+EN55011 statement of conformity (03061101).pdf
| | | 11g NB opinion (0304220601).pdf
| | | 11g RF exposure (920501).pdf
| | | 11g SAR.pdf
| | | Alpha-1 IEC60950.pdf
| | | AP-600 11g CB 11g upgr kit.zip
| | | AP4000 DoC EU.pdf
| | | AP60011g DoC EUR.pdf
| | | CE AP-2000 NS (USI DoC).pdf
| | | CE AP-2000 NS.jpg
| | | Certificate Expert Opinion_MP .11a_08-26-2003.pdf
| | | Certificate of Conformity_MP .11a_08-26-2003.pdf
| | | MP .11a_DoC_07-25-2003.pdf
| | | Proxim_AP600-MP.11.ETSI.Certificate.pdf
| | |
| | doc+help_files
| | | | FW.2.3-jitter.pdf
| | | | QoS_w_MP11a_QB11a.pdf
| | | | tb69504_3wmm.pdf
| | | | using_WindowsXP_with_WLAN.pdf
| | | | WDS-TB046.pdf
| | | | Wi-Fi_ProtectedAccessWebcast_2003.pdf
| | | | WORP-TT10-0403.pdf
| | | | WPA_NI_2003-Pres.pdf
| | | | Zalety.WORP.Tsunami.doc
| | | |
| | | AP2000
| | | AP2500
| | | AP4000
| | | | AP-4000-UG-ENU.pdf
| | | | AP-4000.pdf
| | | | Cisco1231_vs_AP4000_Proxim.pdf
| | | | ORAP4K2.4.10B775-DOCs.zip
| | | |
| | | AP4000_3.4.0
| | | | AP-4000_4000M_QIG_3.4.pdf
| | | | AP-4000_Series_Safety-Reg_3.4.pdf
| | | | AP-4000_Series_UG_v3.4.pdf
| | | |
| | | AP600
| | | Orinoco_Ap4000mr
| | | | AP-4000MR_UG_v3.4.pdf
| | | |
| | | Tsunami_MP.11a
| | | | 65755-MP11InstallMgmtRev3.zip
| | | | MP11.a_antennas.pdf
| | | | Release Notice_Tsunami MP11a_antennas_final.doc
| | | | Tsunami_MP11a.pdf
| | | | Tsunami_MP11a_Manual.pdf
| | | |
| | | Tsunami_MP.11aR
| | | 69584r1-MP11Mod5054-RInstallManage110304.pdf
| | | 69587r1-MP11Mod5054R-QIGforCD-11-03-04.pdf
| | | 69607-MP11Mod5054-RAntennaInstallation110304.pdf
| | | Help_and_User_Guides_outdoor.zip
| | | ReleaseNotes_Outdoor2.1.pdf
| | |
| | drivers
| | | | test.txt
| | | | test1.zip
| | | |
| | | ORiNOCO 11 abg ComboCard Gold
| | | ORiNOCO 11 abg PCI Combo Card Gold
| | | ORiNOCO 11b Client PC Card Gold
| | | ORiNOCO 842x USB 11b Adapter
| | | | 842x_usb.zip
| | | |
| | | ORiNOCO 8460 Gold 802.11ab ComboCard
| | | ORiNOCO 847x-WD 802.11bg PC Card
| | | ORINOCO 847x-WD PCMCIA bg
| | | | ORiNOCO_ComboCard_50420_v410161.zip
| | | |
| | | ORiNOCO Classic Gold PC Card
| | firmware
| | | HotSpot 2500
| | | Karty WLAN ORiNOCO
| | | MP.16
| | | | Code83.rar
| | | |
| | | ORiNOCO AP
| | | QuickBridge.11a_R
| | | Tsunami 5012
| | | Tsunami MP-8100
| | | Tsunami_MP.11a
| | | Tsunami_MP.11a_R
| | tools
| | | iPerfRev3.zip
| | | SBRNT_ALL_471.EXE
| | |
| | | boingo_orinoco_sr02.zip
| | |
| | Kalkulator
| | | Lynx-Tsunami_Calculator_rev_2.4.2.xls
| | |
| | Net Stumbler
| | | readme_0_3_30.htm
| | |
| | ScanTool
| | | ScanTool.exe
| | |
| | Serwer TFTP
| | | OEM-TFTP-Server.EXE
| | |
| | Wavelink Manager
| | trial_license1.txt
| | trial_license2.txt
| | wlmobilemanager_571.exe
| | wlmobilemanager_571.pdf
| | wlmobilemanager_571_releasenotes.pdf
| | wlmobilemanager_572.pdf
| | wlmobilemanager_572_(Build.35).exe
| | wlmobilemanager_572_releasenotes.pdf
| |
| Radwin
| | | WinLink1000UserManual.pdf
| | |
| | 1.500
| | | | czytaj1 .txt
| | | | czytaj2.txt
| | | | SNMPcIK.exe
| | | | SwUpd.exe
| | | |
| | | Manager
| | |
| | 1.620
| | | Manager.zip
| | | readme.txt
| | | readmesnmp.txt
| | | SNMPcIK.exe
| | | SwUpd.exe
| | |
| | Manager
| |
| Sony_Networkvideo
| | | RealShotManager-szkolenie.zip
| | |
| | hires
| | | jw04082601_05_sncrz25n--_nl.tif
| | | ni05041902_01_sncahp5---_nl.tif
| | | ni05041902_03_sncahp5---_tl.tif
| | | ni05051701_01_sncrx550n-_tl.tif
| | | ni05051701_03_sncrx550n-_nl.tif
| | | ni05051701_05_sncrx550n-_rl.tif
| | | ni05051701_06_sncrx550n-_nl.tif
| | | ni05051701_09_sncrx550n-_tl.tif
| | | ni05051702_03_sncrx550n-_rl.tif
| | | ni05051702_04_sncrx550n-_nl.tif
| | | Snc-p5.jpg
| | | SNC-RZ30P.tif
| | |
| | Kalkulatory
| | | kalkulator strumieni danych MJPEG.zip
| | | kalkulator strumieni danych MPEG-4.zip
| | |
| | Manual
| | | CS20
| | | | datasheetSNC-CS20.pdf
| | | | Installation_Manual.pdf
| | | | UserGuide.pdf
| | | |
| | | DM160
| | | | SNC-DM160_datasheet.pdf
| | | | SNC-DM160_Install.pdf
| | | | SNC-DM160_Manual.pdf
| | | |
| | | RX550
| | | Instalation_Guide_080318.pdf
| | | RX550_atasheet.pdf
| | | SNC_RX_Series_InstallGuide.pdf
| | | User_Guide.pdf
| | |
| | Reklama
| | | sony_systemy alarmowe_02_08_druk.eps
| | | sony_systemy alarmowe_02_08_podgl1d.jpg
| | |
| | Software
| | Firmware
| | Freeware
| | | RSM_Compression_Server_V1.zip
| | | RSM_EZPlugger_v1.0.1.46.zip
| | | RSM_File_Player_v2.1.zip
| | | WebGW_v1.1.0.8.zip
| | |
| | IP_Setup
| | | IP Setup Installation Procedure.pdf
| | | IpSetup_v1.4.0.zip
| | |
| | RealShot Manager
| | | Info_WebGateway.pdf
| | | RealShot.Manager.User.And.Administrator.Guide.EN.pdf
| | | RSM-API-04-07-02.pdf
| | | RSM_WebGateway-Client_manual.pdf
| | | SonyDemo.avi
| | | UserGuides3_EN.zip
| | |
| | RSMA
| | RealShot_Manager_Advanced_v1.0.4.8_CEFGIJRS.zip
| | RSMAdInstallationGuide(GB).pdf
| | RSMAdUserGuide(GB).pdf
| |
| Zhone
| | T-REC-G[1].984.1-200303-S!PDF-E.pdf
| | T-REC-G[1].984.2-200303-I!!PDF-E.pdf
| | T-REC-G[1].984.2-200602-I!Amd1!PDF-E.pdf
| | T-REC-G[1].984.2-200803-I!Amd2!PDF-E.pdf
| | T-REC-G[1].984.3-200402-S!!PDF-E.pdf
| | T-REC-G[1].984.4-200406-S!!PDF-E.pdf
| | T-REC-G[1].984.4-200612-S!Amd3!PDF-E.pdf
| | ZHID_Admin.pdf
| | ZNID-ETH.pdf
| | ZNID-GPON.pdf
| | ZNID_Admin.pdf
| | ZNID_Information.pdf
| | ZNID_Install.pdf
| | ZPON.pdf
| | zti-an-gpon-sol.pdf
| | zti-cs-tay.pdf
| | zti-pg-fttx.pdf
| | zti-wp-fttx_choices.pdf
| |
| | malc-11501208.pdf
| | malc-11501208.tar.gz
| |
| | MXK_HW_Install_Guide_1.14.2.pdf
| | MXK_Release_Notes_1.14.2.pdf
| | MXK_Software_Config_Guide_1.14.pdf
| |
| Raptor100
| | 830-00506-19.pdf
| | 830-01462-04.pdf
| | 830-01463-07.pdf
| | malc100-11202.pdf
| | malc100-11202.tar.gz
| | malc100-11302001.pdf
| | malc100-11302001.tar.gz
| |
| ZMSLT_CAN_1.13.0.11.zip
| .test
| of32.7z.001
| of32.7z.002
| of32.7z.003
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| w732.7z.016
| w732.7z.017
| w732.7z.018
| w732.7z.019
| w732.7z.020
| w732.7z.021
| abit
| | docs
| | | how_to_enable_additional_speakers.doc
| | | how_to_enable_additional_speakers.pdf
| | |
| | drivers
| | tools
| | hw_doctor
| actima
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| art-multimedia
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | blade
| | | Dekoder DVD
| | | detonatory
| | | Net rider
| | | RADEON
| | | | Instalacja karty vivo.txt
| | | | MMC-7-7-0-1-noDVD.exe
| | | | tv-capture-wdm-6-14-01-6178v1.exe
| | | | wme-radeon-7-83-030120a1-007447c-efg.exe
| | | | wmfdist.exe
| | | | wxp-w2k-radeon-7-83-030120a1-007448c.exe
| | | |
| | | TUNER TV
| | | FAQ.zip
| | | NTSetup.reg
| | | TNT_Tuner.txt
| | |
| | tools
| asmax
| | br804
| | | instrukcja
| | | Dodatek A - Terminal HIS.pdf
| | | Dodatek B - Pytania i odpowiedzi - FAQ'u.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 1 - Wstˆp.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 10 - System tools.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 11 - Telnet.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 12 - Konfiguracja komputer¢w w sieci LAN.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 3 - BR-804.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 4 - Przygotowanie do instalacji.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 5 - Konfiguracja.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 6 - Setup wizard.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 7 - Device information.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 8 - Device status.pdf
| | | Rozdzia3 9 - Advanced settings.pdf
| | |
| | docs
| | drivers
| | firmware
| | | br-804
| | | Kiwi_Syslogd.zip
| | | Procedura Kiwi's Syslog Daemon.doc
| | |
| | octopus
| | | | Instrukcja ISDN TA-128 external.DOC
| | | | Instrukcja ISDN TA-128 external.pdf
| | | | Instrukcja ISDN TA-128 internal.DOC
| | | | Instrukcja ISDN TA-128 internal.pdf
| | | | Prezentacja ASMAX firmware.ppt
| | | | Prezentacja ASMAX wew.ppt
| | | | Prezentacja ASMAX zew.ppt
| | | |
| | | FAQ
| | | Opis
| | | Specyfikacja
| | | Zdjˆcia
| | | asmax_isdn_ta128_ext_6.jpg
| | | asmax_isdn_ta128_int_3.jpg
| | |
| | software
| | | Kiwi_Syslogd.zip
| | | Procedura Kiwi's Syslog Daemon.doc
| | |
| | tools
| ati
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | TV Wonder
| | | Instalacja_TV_Wonder.txt
| | | MMC_7_1_tvwonder.exe
| | | polishhelpfiles.exe
| | | TNT_Tuner.txt
| | |
| | tools
| biostar
| | BIOS
| | | M7VIZ
| | | Viz0916.bf
| | | Viz0916.bs
| | |
| | M7VIZ
| cmedia
| | 30w98v64.zip
| | 30W98ver20.zip
| |
| daytek
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | DT-1770.zip
| | |
| | tools
| evga
| | evga541.zip
| | evga541_9x.zip
| | evga541_cdphoto.zip
| | evga541_nt.zip
| | evga541_xp2k.zip
| | evga541_xp64.zip
| |
| eye-q
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| fortouch
| | drivers
| | DOS
| | | Dos_6.0.6.3617.zip
| | |
| | Fedora Core for x86
| | | FedoraIII.zip
| | | sharutils-4.2.1-12.i386.rpm..rpm
| | | touchkit.setup_fdr.sh..sh
| | | touchkit.setup_fdrII.sh..sh
| | |
| | iMac OS 9X
| | | iMac_OS9_1.0.0.0409.zip
| | |
| | iMac OS X
| | | TouchKit_iMacX_1.0.7.4206.zip
| | |
| | Mandrake Linux for x86
| | | sharutils-4.2.1-12.i386.rpm..rpm
| | | touchkit.setup4.sh..sh
| | | touchkit.setupm92.sh..sh
| | | touchkit.setup_drk10.sh..sh
| | |
| | Red Hat Linux for x86
| | | sharutils-4.2.1-12.i386.rpm..rpm
| | | touchkit.setupr8nm.sh..sh
| | | touchkit.setup_rh9.sh..sh
| | |
| | SuSE Linux for x86
| | | sharutils-4.2c-596.i586.rpm..rpm
| | | suse92.zip
| | | touchkit.setup_suse90.sh..sh
| | | TouchkitDriverInstallationGuideSu.pdf
| | |
| | Win2000_XP_3.2.3.3122
| | | CheckComp.dll
| | | DATA1.CAB
| | | DATA1.HDR
| | | DATA2.CAB
| | | DrvUnInst.dll
| | | Installer.exe
| | | LOGO.BMP
| | | LOGO1.BMP
| | | MFC42.DLL
| | | PS2AUX.INF
| | | PS2AUX.SYS
| | | REG.INI
| | | RotTray.exe
| | | Setup.exe
| | | Setup.ini
| | | ShutDown.exe
| | | touch.ini
| | | Touch32Ex.dll
| | | Touchkit.exe
| | | Touchkit.hlp
| | | TouchKit.inf
| | | TouchTray.exe
| | | touch_dut.ini
| | | touch_e.ini
| | | touch_fre.ini
| | | touch_ger.ini
| | | touch_ita.ini
| | | touch_jap.ini
| | | touch_kor.ini
| | | touch_sch.ini
| | | touch_spa.ini
| | | touch_tch.ini
| | | Uninstaller.exe
| | | UsbTouch.sys
| | | UsbTouchkit.inf
| | |
| | Win200_XP_4.0.2.1929
| | | data1.cab
| | | data1.hdr
| | | data2.cab
| | | EGXFilter.sys
| | | egxfilter64.sys
| | | ikernel.ex_
| | | layout.bin
| | | logo.bmp
| | | logo1.bmp
| | | mfc42.dll
| | | mouclass.sys
| | | msmouse.inf
| | | msvcrt.dll
| | | profile.txt
| | | Readme.pdf
| | | reg.ini
| | | search.avi
| | | sertouch.cat
| | | sertouch.inf
| | | SerTouch.sys
| | | sertouch64.sys
| | | Setup.exe
| | | Setup.ini
| | | setup.inx
| | | touch.ini
| | | Touchkit.cat
| | | TouchKit.exe
| | | Touchkit.hlp
| | | Touchkit.inf
| | | Touchkit_PS2.inf
| | | touchkit_usb.cat
| | | touchkit_USB.inf
| | | touch_dut.ini
| | | touch_e.ini
| | | touch_fre.ini
| | | touch_ger.ini
| | | touch_ita.ini
| | | touch_jap.ini
| | | touch_kor.ini
| | | touch_sch.ini
| | | touch_spa.ini
| | | touch_tch.ini
| | | xAuto4PtsCal.exe
| | | xTouch.sys
| | | XTouch32EX.dll
| | | xtouch64.sys
| | |
| | Win9X_ME_3.2.3.3122
| | | CheckComp.dll
| | | data1.cab
| | | data1.hdr
| | | data2.cab
| | | DrvUnInst.dll
| | | ikernel.ex_
| | | Installer.exe
| | | layout.bin
| | | LOGO.BMP
| | | LOGO1.BMP
| | | mfc42.dll
| | | msvcrt.dll
| | | PS2AUX.VXD
| | | reg.ini
| | | RotTray.exe
| | | Setup.exe
| | | Setup.ini
| | | setup.inx
| | | ShutDown.exe
| | | TKT_BLK.cur
| | | touch.ini
| | | Touch32Ex.dll
| | | Touch32Ex95.dll
| | | TouchKit.exe
| | | Touchkit.hlp
| | | TouchKit.VXD
| | | Touchkit95.EXE
| | | TouchKit95.VXD
| | | TouchTray.exe
| | | TouchTray95.exe
| | | touch_dut.ini
| | | touch_e.ini
| | | touch_fre.ini
| | | touch_ger.ini
| | | touch_ita.ini
| | | touch_jap.ini
| | | touch_kor.ini
| | | touch_sch.ini
| | | touch_spa.ini
| | | touch_tch.ini
| | | USBTKit.vxd
| | | UsbTouch.inf
| | | usbtouch.sys
| | |
| | Windows CE 2.12 & 3.0 for x86
| | | WinCE_1.0.0.0510.zip
| | |
| | Windows CE.NET_USB
| | | WinCE.NET_MP_2.08.3522.zip
| | | WinCE.NET_Stylus_RS232_1.01.2705.zip
| | | WinCE.NET_Stylus_USB_1.02.2705.zip
| | |
| | WinNT4_3.2.3.3122
| | | CheckComp.dll
| | | data1.cab
| | | data1.hdr
| | | data2.cab
| | | DrvUninst.dll
| | | ikernel.ex_
| | | Installer.exe
| | | layout.bin
| | | logo.bmp
| | | logo1.bmp
| | | mfc42.dll
| | | msvcrt.dll
| | | profile.txt
| | | PS2AUX.sys
| | | reg.ini
| | | Setup.exe
| | | Setup.ini
| | | setup.inx
| | | t8042prt.sys
| | | TKT_BLK.cur
| | | touch.ini
| | | Touch32Ex.dll
| | | Touchkit.exe
| | | Touchkit.hlp
| | | TouchKit.sys
| | | TouchKitClass.sys
| | | TouchTray.exe
| | | touch_dut.ini
| | | touch_e.ini
| | | touch_fre.ini
| | | touch_ger.ini
| | | touch_ita.ini
| | | touch_jap.ini
| | | touch_kor.ini
| | | touch_sch.ini
| | | touch_spa.ini
| | | touch_tch.ini
| | |
| | Yellow Dog Linux for Power PC
| | touchkit.setup_ydl.sh..sh
| |
| hitachi
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| logitech
| | docs
| | | .new
| | | Instrukcje obslugi
| | | klawiatury.pdf
| | | kontrolery gier.pdf
| | | multimedia.pdf
| | | urzadzenia wskazujace.pdf
| | |
| | drivers
| | | iTouch
| | | | it215enu.exe
| | | | iTouch182en.exe
| | | |
| | | Mouse
| | | | 9412b004en.exe
| | | | mw973enu.exe
| | | |
| | | Pocket
| | | Quick_Cam
| | | | qc601enu.exe
| | | |
| | | WingMan
| | | ws411enu.exe
| | |
| | tools
| mag
| | docs
| | drivers
| | photos
| | | PS576_1.jpg
| | | PS576_2.jpg
| | |
| | tools
| mediamodem
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | WIN2000.zip
| | | WIN9X.zip
| | | WINME.zip
| | | WINNT4.zip
| | | WINxp.zip
| | |
| | tools
| mimio
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| mitsubishi
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| sharp
| tdk
| | docs
| | drivers
| | tools
| Thermaltake
| | iMON_4_50_1220.zip
| | iMON_4_51_0202_Update.zip
| | thermaltake.txt
| |
| tpsa
| | bvrp
| |
| transcend
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | Biosy
| | | TS_BOISY.doc
| | |
| | tools
| tyan
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | BIOS
| | | Flash_util
| | | amiflash.com
| | | AMI_Flash.txt
| | | Award_Flash.txt
| | | awdflash.exe
| | | flash1mb.com
| | | flash2mb.com
| | | flash4mb.com
| | | flashv73.exe
| | |
| | tools
| usr
| | docs
| | drivers
| | | USR5_04.ZIP
| | | USR5_05.ZIP
| | |
| | tools
| yamaha
| docs
| drivers
| tools
| | optoma_DVD_REP_05_08.cdr
| | ulotki.zip
| |
| IDG_zrodla_obrazy_loga
| CheckPoint_diagram_animacja.ppt
| CP_horz.ps
| CP_horz.tiff
| CP_ltd_vertical_Pos.ps
| CP_ltd_vertical_Pos.tiff
| img.zip
| Integrity_Program_Manager.jpg
| Integrity_Program_Manager.ps
| Logga_w700_dpi300.tif
| logo_veracomp_cmyk_tiff.tif
| logo_veracomp_coreldraw.cdr
| NGX_Logo.ps
| opsec_certified.ps
| opsec_certified.tiff
| opsec_partner.ps
| opsec_partner.tiff
| pc_linux.zip
| PME_usb_1.eps
| PME_usb_cd.eps
| PME_usb_cd_cards.eps
| PointsecPPC_05_cmyk.zip
| Pointsec_corporate_logo.eps
| Pointsec_Palm05_cmyk.zip
| pointsec_prod_logo.eps
| pointsec_prod_logo.tif
| pointsec_qtek8010_cmyk.zip
| Pointsec_symbianP900_cmyk.zip
| pointsec_symbian_9500.htm
| pointsec_tungsten_cmyk.zip
| PPC_iMate_JasJar1.eps
| PPC_iMate_K-Jam_open2.eps
| secured_by_cp.gif
| Smartphone_8020.eps
| Symbian_Nokia9300.eps
| TabletPC_pointsec_login2.zip
| treo_left_cmyk.eps
| UTM-1reportingmonitoring.jpg
| UTM-1reportingmonitoring.ps
| utm-1_interface.jpg
| utm-1_interface.ps
| fscs_11.51-101-rtm-exported.msi
| ultra.zip
| lab
| webinary
| | iscsitarget_public.msi
| |
| docs
| | Arcserve15
| | | arcserve15doc.zip
| | |
| | eAUD
| | | G007581E.ZIP
| | | G010101E.ZIP
| | | h004761e.pdf
| | |
| | Xosoft
| | CA_XOsoft.pdf
| | Enterprise_Rewinder_User_Guide.pdf
| | wansynccddemo.zip
| | WANSyncDR_Exchange_200x_Ops_Guide.pdf
| | WANSyncHA_Exchange_200x_Ops_Guide.pdf
| | WANSync_User_Guide.pdf
| |
| tools
| trial_software
| | UDPv4
| | Arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection_with_update_4.exe
| |
| vki
| the recovery management story - 20min.ppt
| veracomp 12.5.ppt
| | en_windows_storage_server_2012_r2_windows_server_2012_r2_foundation_with_update_x64_dvd_6052810.iso
| |
| EMPDv2
| | EMPD
| | EMPD_License_Agreement(Windows).pdf
| | FTS_EMPDMultipathDriverforWindowsversionV20L_V20L18_1062812.EXE
| | MPD_2018.iso
| | P2WW-1451-09ENZ0.pdf
| |
| Szkolenie_SystemArch
| | PC_SYS_Architect_jak_instalowac.pdf
| | SRP_2010-06-01.zip
| | SystemArchitect.msi
| | Szkolenie SysArch Zadania.doc
| | wazne linki.docx
| |
| Prezentacje
| Clients.pptx
| Primergy Servers.ppt
| Storage.pptx
| .dd
| | A technical 3PAR 8000_20000 presentation v08a 25Jan16.pptx
| |
| .hp
| | Connected Backup 8.8.3 Documentation.zip
| | Connected Backup Documentation.zip
| | ConnectedBackup_8.8.5_RelNotes_en.pdf
| | ConnectedBackup_8.8.5_ReqMatrix_en.pdf
| | LiveVault 7.75 Documentation.zip
| | NinjaSTARS.zip
| | v8.8.3.0.bdc.english.zip
| | v8.8.3.0.bdc.international.zip
| | v8.8.3.0.mgmtAPI.zip
| | v8.8.4.0.bdc.international.zip
| | v8.8.5.0.bdc.english.zip
| | v8.8.5.0.mgmtAPI.zip
| | v8.8.5.1.pcagentfileset.english.zip
| | v8.8.5.2.macagentfileset.english.zip
| |
| .sbw
| | PLPZDP99.zip
| | SBW_Production_LoCal_Zip.exe
| |
| 3par
| | | 3PAR_Management_Console_4.7.3_QR482-11188.iso
| | | 3PAR_Management_Console_4.7_SW_QR482-10116.iso
| | | 3PAR_Virtual_SP_4.4_GA_Vmware_ESX_SW_QR482-11050.iso
| | | HPE 3Par Service Processor Onsite Customer Care SPOCC User Guide.pdf
| | | HPE_3PAR_StoreServe_Management_Console_3.0_QR482-11187.iso
| | | HP_3PAR_SmartStart_1.5_SW_QR482-10117.iso
| | | IMC_462.6.iso
| | | Vsp_OVF-4.3.0.GA-24.iso
| | |
| | .2017
| | | CD_3PAR_Management_Console_4.7_SW_QR482-10116.iso
| | | CD_DRIVER_FOR_MS_MULTIPATH_I_O_1.0.23_780-200072.iso
| | | DVD_3PAR_Smart_Start_1.5.1_SW_QR482-11090.iso
| | | DVD_3PAR_StoreServ_Mgmt_Console_3.2_SW_QR482-11246.iso
| | | DVD_3PAR_Virt_SP_4.4_MU3_VMware_ESX_SW_QR482-11178.iso
| | | HPE_3PAR_SSMC_Excel_client_installer_SW_QR482-10128.iso
| | | HPE_3PAR_StoreServ_Management_Console_3.2_QR482-11246.iso
| | | HPE_3PAR_StoreServ_Simulator_Release_Notes_v3.2.2_Z7550-96272.pdf
| | | HPE_3PAR_StoreServ_Simulator_v3.2.2_Z7550-02151.zip
| | |
| | StoreServ Management Console
| | 3PAR_SSMC_Excel_client_installer_SW_QR482-10118.iso
| | 3PAR_StoreServe_Management_Console_2.1_QR482-10112.iso
| |
| DP
| DP-support-matrices.txt
| CAM00031.jpg
| | ESDS_S12F_G2851.rar
| | Infortrend EonStor - Interface & Management Training.ppt
| |
| EonNAS
| | 3210
| | MidNAS_Update_1.2.49.bin
| |
| FW
| manuals
| | ds_es_a08 12u-g2421_v1.pdf
| | ds_raidwatch.pdf
| | es_aug_gmn_v1.1.pdf
| | GMN_v1.69.zip
| | raidwatch2.3.x_umn_v1.2.pdf
| |
| RAIDWatch_2.3.s.01
| | RAIDWatch_2.3.s.01.rar
| |
| S12F G2840
| | ES_ESDS_S12_S16_S24_Series_HMN_v2.6.pdf
| | ES_ESDS_SANWatch_UMN_v3.8.pdf
| |
| Sterowniki
| | EonPath-v1.23.2.43_2K3_x86_4_DS.exe
| |
| TSDCLI_2.4
| | TSDCLI_v2.4.zip
| |
| Commands.History
| raidcmd2.jar
| securelogin_6.0.zip
| Win8ExperimentalDeveloperPatch.zip
| BizNAS.wmv
| Obsluga napedu.mpg
| Otwieranie magazynku T24.avi
| Parkowanie robota.mpg
| Portfolio firmy.wmv
| Tandberg Data - TDCE Training.pptx
| docs
| | | matrix_2003.pdf
| | | matrix_2004.pdf
| | | matrix_a.pdf
| | | SATA Compatible List.xls
| | |
| | DAS - DP-xxxx
| | | pro-dp-430si.pdf
| | | pro-dp-e6r-manual.pdf
| | | pro-dp-e6r.pdf
| | | pro-dp-u6r-manual.pdf
| | | pro-dp-u6r.pdf
| | |
| | DAS - MS-xxxx CASE
| | | ms-223a-324a.pdf
| | | ms-223a-manual.pdf
| | | ms-223a_324a.pdf
| | | ms-223i-manual.pdf
| | | ms-324a-manual.pdf
| | | ms-324i-223i.pdf
| | | ms-324i-manual.pdf
| | | ms223i.pdf
| | | ms324i.pdf
| | |
| | DAS - SB-xxxx IDE
| | | sb-1400-manual.pdf
| | | sb-1400.pdf
| | | sb-1430si.pdf
| | | sb-2800-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2800.pdf
| | | sb-2800fc-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2800_fc_2802.pdf
| | | sb-2802-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2802a-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2802a.pdf
| | | sb-2803-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2803fa-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2803fo-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2803sa-fa_sataii.pdf
| | | sb-2803sa-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2803_2803fo.pdf
| | | SB-2810SI-manual.pdf
| | | sb-2810si_fi.pdf
| | | sb-3140-3140fc.pdf
| | | sb-3140-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3140.pdf
| | | sb-3140fc-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3143-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3143fo-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3143_fc_fo.pdf
| | | sb-3160sa-fa.pdf
| | | sb-3160sa-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3160si-fi.pdf
| | | SB-3160SI-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3163fa-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3163sa_fa.pdf
| | | sb-3168sa-fa.pdf
| | | sb-3168sa-manual.pdf
| | |
| | DAS - SB-xxxx JBOD
| | | sb-3140j-si-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3140_3160jbod.pdf
| | | sb-4100-manual.pdf
| | | sb-4100.pdf
| | |
| | DAS - SB-xxxx SATA
| | DAS - SB-xxxx SCSI
| | | sb-3160fs-manual.pdf
| | | sb-3160fs.pdf
| | | sb-3160ss-ex.pdf
| | | sb-3160ss-manual.pdf
| | |
| | NAS - BN-xxxx
| | | bn-4500-manual.pdf
| | | bn-4500.pdf
| | |
| | NAS - SN-xxxx
| | | sn-1400-manual.pdf
| | | sn-1400.pdf
| | | sn-1400p-manual.pdf
| | | sn-1400p.pdf
| | | sn-1405p-manual.pdf
| | | sn-1405p-manual_new.pdf
| | | sn-1405p.pdf
| | | sn-2800.pdf
| | | sn-3140-manual.pdf
| | | sn-3140.pdf
| | | sn-3140p-manual.pdf
| | | sn-3140p.pdf
| | | sn-3143p-manual.pdf
| | | sn-3143p.pdf
| | |
| | Netology
| | Proware_Netology.rar
| |
| faq
| | ProNAS 1400P 3140P factory default.txt
| | ProNAS 1405P downgrade.txt
| | ProNAS 405P 1405P 2805P 3143P factory default.txt
| | Pronas restore crashed disk drivers procedure.doc
| |
| Rlink
| | GW21L and E User Manual (1536KB).zip
| |
| monitor25
| | monitor25.exe
| |
| R-Link
| Manual.pdf
| PRO_R-Link.MIB
| PRO_R-Link_Box_V110.hex
| PRO_R-Link_V110.hex
| QLOGIC InfiniBand
| QLogic Veracomp IB Workshop April 2009_Sales_V1.rar
| QLogic Veracomp IB Workshop April 2009_Technical_V1.pdf
| BE
| | prezentacje
| | Backup Exec 15.pptx
| | BE_16_tech_Deck_Oct_2016.pptx
| |

I'm still not entirely sure what this server's purpose was, but in any case I've contemplated uploading some of the stuff stored in here to the Internet Archive (particularly the drivers and software), though I'm not sure how I'd go about uploading all of this especially considering the sheer size of it all. From old conversations I had with Telesphoreo at the time, it might have also at some point hosted archives of the United Kingdom's National Lottery circa 2008. This doesn't appear to have been grabbed unfortunately, but I have a screenshot to prove it existed at some point.


Here's a screenshot I also unearthed of me scraping the web server at the time:

I once found an http server with someone's personal files (diaries, among the entire linux filesystem) in it and it included secret games done quick submissions. I went to the GDQ discord and disclosed of them there and from there they figured it out. I extracted 4 unlisted videos, 3 of which were privated, one which is still up and viewable. It has been long enough such that I seriously doubt it will hurt anyone to post this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLarXSFjNcVTJhkkzLPivdmPZRCAWgB_jz
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This find was brought to you by yours truly circa January 2020. I found an endpoint for something I hadn't heard of before called KiwiSDR, which turned out to be a software radio tuner that you could use to tune into and even record radio frequencies of different types including AM, SAM, Narrowband FM, LSB (Lower SideBand), and USB (Upper SideBand). The last two types are used usually by HAM radio operators. This endpoint was available up until presumably sometime in 2022, when the IP address either changed or the person maintaining it took it offline.

W3LLA is a callsign registered to a person named Maxwell Moran who lives in Fort Collins, Colorado according to some HAM radio databases.

I had never seen something like this before, so this ended up becoming a dive of its own where I'd tune into different frequencies based on the heatmap and see what was on the other end. Sometimes I heard conversations, strange morse code messages, traditional radio stations, or even a frequency dedicated to telling the time (which is one of the longest-running radio stations still transmitting). I ended up recording some of my findings as well, which I'll include below for those who are interested.

Frequency 14260.03 (Upper SideBand), recorded on January 11, 2020 at 12:33 PM:
View attachment

Frequency 14044.74 (Upper SideBand), recorded on January 11, 2020 at 12:06 PM:
View attachment

This was honestly one of my favorite finds. If you want to tinker with this stuff yourself, KiwiSDR maintains a list of publicly available instances on their website from all around the world, giving you the chance to listen to radio stations from dfifferent countries. See what you can find!

I present to you the fastest website on the internet
During the rise of the internet in the late 1990s, many products came and went which tried to bring the internet to the average household without requiring an expensive computer. One such product, initially announced in July 1996 and then released in September that same year, was called WebTV. The way it worked was that you'd purchase a set-top box from a contemporary electronics store like Best Buy or Circuit City, hook it into your home phone line and television, and then sign up for a monthly subscription that would run you $19.99 per month. The set-top box would act as a thin client giving you access to the internet which included newsgroup conversations and a dedicated webtv.net email address.

An example of a WebTV box, you can almost smell the 90s emanating from it

WebTV was fairly successful for its time and was acquired by Microsoft in April 1997. Of course, like anything popular that is tech-related, a hacking community soon sprang up and what followed was a wild west where people were trying to do practically anything they could with their boxes (both innocently and maliciously) by trying to access more inner parts of them, the service, and even other people's accounts using WebTV-specific URLs, XSS exploits, Flash exploits, and an ungodly amount of cheesing through bad security practices using a combination of the aforementioned exploits. Typical of the 1990s, many such skirmishes were recorded onto actual VHS tapes, making them time capsules of the early web. With time, the hacking community slowly moved on from the service and eventually the service itself shut down in September 2013 after rebranding as MSN TV in 2001 and several new models coming out including ones with DVR functionality in the early to mid 2000s.

This is what many people saw in mid to late 2013 when they went onto the WebTV website.

In 1998, a WebTV user named MattMan69 (yes, that's his actual screen name, what a legend) created a website to document his adventures in dicking around with the service and leak new features that were being beta-tested under NDA by acting as a proxy for those who were in the program. He was at it for years and at some point even had his service terminated by WebTV for it. He continued to update it up until around 2005 when he officially announced he was leaving the scene, only to begin updating it again briefly in September 2013 following the service's closure as he re-entered the scene to partially resurrect the now-useless boxes to make them do new stuff again and archive his stockpile of old shit he had lying around. He then got involved with in other WebTV-related projects (including private servers to get the boxes back on the internet) starting in around September 2019 and has continued to do so since then. His website, although definitely dated and ancient by today's standards, is still up and is semi-regularly getting updated to this very day.

1732035219344.jpeg 1732035476050.jpeg 1732035920492.jpeg 1732035952926.jpeg
Under-the-hood stuff from various sections on the website

1732036142396.jpeg 1732035607619.jpeg
Even in the 1990s, people were trying to find things to run DOOM on, including WebTV boxes.

Unlike my previous entries in this thread, this website was actually found organically. I don't remember exactly how I found it, but I discovered it in May 2016 whilst I was binge-watching obscure YouTube videos about old hardware that nobody remembers when I came across an episode about WebTV. Even though I was a retarded 12/13 year old with an excessively inflated ego who was too busy trying to act like the biggest savage hurling middle school level insults at my colleagues, I found WebTV and its hacking community intriguing and kept tabs on both the website and the overall community for years. During the peak of my fascination (and borderline obsession) with VHS footage and anything archived using it in late 2019, I actually emailed MattMan himself and asked if he had any other VHS recordings of WebTV and following a brief back and forth, he ended up finding a tape that had surviving footage of him dicking around on WebTV and uploaded it to YouTube. Pretty cool stuff!

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Reactions: Tizz
It's time for a trip down memory lane.

Growing up with the internet, one of my earliest memories was a series of games powered by Adobe Flash called Causality, hosted on a website called Bored.com. The premise was that you were given an environment of stick figures living out their day to day tasks and your job was to click certain objects to kill them - a very clear reference to the game's name. The catch was that you could not have any witnesses when you did the deed or have anyone notice the dead after the fact, or else the game was over immediately.

I found the game quite fun despite its obviously violent nature, and for years I followed the series' evolution thanks to the fact the creators of the game had a website for it. Here's what it looked like back in 2011, just as I remember it:


The series continued to evolve and get new entries for the next few years until the release of Causality Saving Private Stickman in March 2015. I remembered this game quite fondly growing up and would occasionally play some of the classics as the site remained up until late 2019/early 2020. With the death of Adobe Flash in December 2020, Bored.com (the site where all the games were being hosted) shut down in early 2021. Because many of the later entries in the series contained obscenely retarded DRM using this awful dogshit "loader" system, many of the mainline entries have since become lost media because while the loaders were usually archived, the games and their data themselves were not. Thankfully, the first two games have at least survived and can be played with Flashpoint.

You can view the website as it stood with the Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20100830171954/http://causalitygame.com:80/
Here’s a list i curated back in middle school (I know, so long ago)

spell your name with elements: https://www.lmntology.com/
Unix time: http://www.coolepochcountdown.com/
Metric, Binary, hexadecimal, Octal, Base 64 and Mayan time: http://zapatopi.net/zapatoware/clocks.html
3-D Periodic table: http://graphoverflow.com/graphs/3d-periodic-table.html
Dynamic Periodic Table: http://www.ptable.com/
Can you draw a perfect circle?: https://vole.wtf/perfect-circle/
Windows 93: https://www.windows93.net/
Mondrian: https://mondrianandme.com/
Pacman: WORLD'S BIGGEST PAC-MAN http://worldsbiggestpacman.com/
First Person Tetris: http://www.firstpersontetris.com/
Color illusion: http://bit.ly/1a4eXm
On June 30th, I will compile all links posted here into a single google doc for sharing and you will be able to add on to it
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