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- videogamesm12
Spread out across multiple drives and computers of mine are dumps of screenshots taken throughout the course of 2020. I had to do a lot to recover some old screenshots due to the fact that I was experimenting with various different operating systems at the time and at one point use a triple-boot of various versions of Windows and Linux, but I was able to get quite a bit.
Like 2019, these screenshots have been split into multiple sets due to the different sources that these screenshots were uncovered from:
Content warning: Some screenshots may contain offensive slurs or mildly not safe for work content. I decided to keep the screenshots unmodified to help paint a picture of how people acted during the Seth administration and how people changed during the Ryan administration. Viewer discretion is advised.
You may view the sets here:
Like 2019, these screenshots have been split into multiple sets due to the different sources that these screenshots were uncovered from:
- Set #1 consists of screenshots from January to April 2020.
This large set goes over events like the extremely unstable part of late 2019/early 2020 (in which we were struggling to find a server host that didn't suck), the rise of the TotalFreedom SMP, the growth of the server during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, my attempt to retire from the server, and the fall of Smartn't's influence over the server.
- Set #2 consists of screenshots from June to August 2020.
This set is much smaller but it goes over the rise of the SMP server and (after I got a new computer) and certain worlds from when we were attempting to switch forums. This one is smaller because after a certain point I switched from the official Minecraft launcher to MultiMC.
- Set #3 consists of screenshots from October to December 2020.
This set goes over the final days of the Seth administration as things became increasingly unstable, Ryan's incredibly optimistic takeover of the server (featuring one of the first ever Ryan-era builds ever being a fucking Lyicx blimp), and an optimistic future for the server under Ryan's administration.
- Set #4 consists of miscellaneous screenshots taken with a different installation of Minecraft.
These are all from the beginning of the Ryan era.
TotalFreedom went through a lot of drastic changes throughout 2020. Just within one year alone, the following happened:
- Controversy arose within the first few weeks about how elites in the Seth administration treated members of the community. Said elites then used the controversy to pin everything on Zaid, who was promptly removed for making anti-Semitic remarks. This led to a massive domino effect in the background.
- The SMP server, like the rest of TF, became extremely popular as a result of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic forcing everyone inside. The idea of running an official TotalFreedom SMP was actually incredibly successful, as activity was pretty high and people legitimately had fun.
- BServer, a long-standing violator of the TotalFreedomMod license, returned under the names FreedomForever and UnstoppableFreedom. It was quickly given the treatment that BServer was given, with multiple groups of individuals coming together to attack and crash it repeatedly with various known exploits.
- Internal Affairs was formed with the goal of preventing cleaning up corruption within the ranks.
- Zaid suddenly returned in April to drop a massive exposé on the people at the very top, exposing a bunch of corruption that had occurred as well as some of the shit they used to say behind the backs of many members of the community. It snowballed into multiple scandals being uncovered which resulted in almost everyone in Smartn't being suspended or resigning from their positions.
- Seth attempted to polish TF and refine it by making many controversial changes including opening donations, switching from ProBoards to MyBB to Flarum, and making a TotalFreedom a network for the first time.
- An explosive ownership crisis occurred in which Seth tried to delete the server, Discord, and forums entirely, only for the server to get a second chance with Ryan optimistically taking the wheel and becoming the owner of the server. Although optimistic about running the server and building a full-fledged network out of it by incorporating it into his company, little did he know what kind of community he ended up inheriting.
Content warning: Some screenshots may contain offensive slurs or mildly not safe for work content. I decided to keep the screenshots unmodified to help paint a picture of how people acted during the Seth administration and how people changed during the Ryan administration. Viewer discretion is advised.
You may view the sets here:
- Set #1: https://archive.org/details/totalfreedommc-screenshots-videogamesm12_2020_set_1
- Set #2: https://archive.org/details/totalfreedommc-screenshots-videogamesm12_2020_set_2
- Set #3: https://archive.org/details/totalfreedommc-screenshots-videogamesm12_2020_set_3
- Set #4: https://archive.org/details/totalfreedommc-screenshots-videogamesm12_2020_set_4