First SMP World Archived


Well-known member
Senior Admin
In late June 2019, Super Admin RageHayes created a private SMP server on Aternos for him and a few TF staff members to dick around on. It caught on fairly quickly, with elites of the time joining and playing it. Being an Aternos server, it naturally ran like dogshit, which prompted many elite staff members to take over the operation of running it and migrating the server onto something more performant, which meant a world wipe was in order. This change of ownership eventually led to the creation of the official TotalFreedom SMP server later that year.


On June 26, 2019, a backup was made of the overworld and nether whilst we were migrating servers. After the migration was complete, in one last hurrah, everyone was given creative mode and the world was quickly griefed to oblivion. Shortly afterwards the world was reset. Thanks to my connections, I was able to acquire a copy of this backup for archival purposes, though it never got uploaded anywhere until today, more than 5 years later.

You can download the worlds here: