Server Add Bedrock client support with Geyser

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One idea that got a lot of support was the idea of adding support for Bedrock clients using the Geyser proxy or plugin. To keep the server safe, we would only allow people with a valid Java Edition account to access the server. We would not be using Floodgate. This would alleviate concerns of exploits being used in the Bedrock edition to log in as other players or spam the server.

Should we do this? Why or why not?
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I think its an alright idea as long as we keep floodgate out of the question since as you said, would create concerns for exploits.
I've had nothing but positive experiences each and every-time I've used Geyser both as a player and as a server administrator, and as such I wholeheartedly support the plugin being added to the server. The only remote issue I can think of is that on servers with lots of commands, you need to disable command suggestions in the plugin configuration file. However, this is not an issue with Geyser, it is merely a performance issue with the Bedrock command system.

On the Floodgate issues: Floodgate prefixes Bedrock accounts, so it should be impossible to impersonate a Java Edition player.
Additionally, has there been any verifiable testing to see if Floodgate doesn't suffer from the same improper authentication implementation that Bedrock Edition apparently does? They aren't the same thing, and I have no reason to believe Floodgate suffering from the issue is anything more than conjecture.

Additionally, when Hurricane is updated to 1.20 - I don't think there would be any harm in installing that, alongside Geyser and maybe Floodgate. It seems to fix some of the Geyser limitations.
I support it but my only concern is wouldn't this open the possibility of spambots especially when we enable Floodgate?
As a "better safe than sorry" approach, I'd say we don't add Floodgate.
In that case players will have to authenticate with their java edition accounts, which lowkey ruins the point of bedrock besides well playing on mobile I guess lol
In that case players will have to authenticate with their java edition accounts, which lowkey ruins the point of bedrock besides well playing on mobile I guess lol
Not necessarily - The Bedrock edition is also known for its superior performance. Computers that can't run the Java edition very well often make mincemeat out of the Bedrock edition.
Approved - Geyser and Floodgate have been added but you are required to link your Bedrock account with your Java account before you can join the server on Bedrock.
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