Server Add & Color Codes to /ii


Currently /ii, the primary method (as far as I am aware) for players to edit items ingame without mods only supports minimessage. This is an issue as minimessage, for the most part, is just a longer version of & color codes. Creating custom items already sometimes can hit the chat limit without minimessage, and as far as I know there is no reason to decrease how much you can write.
Pros of MiniMessage:
-Gradients are much faster.
-Can do rainbow if you want that

Cons of MiniMessage:
-Extremely inefficient/slow:
Instead of writing &6, you write <gold>. This is 4 more letters you can no longer use on your item lore. Instead of writing &e, you write <yellow>. This is 6 more letters you can no longer use on your item lore. Instead of writing &3, I don't even know what you write because of my next point:
-Lack of easily accessible documentation:
With color codes you have them ingame with /einfo colors, on multiple websites, and (I really feel old now) some people such as me have EIGHT YEARS OF EXPERIENCE yikes im old
I had to search not "minimessage" not "minimessage minecraft" but "minimessage minecraft plugin" to find something that wasn't giving me a bad feeling/a sus link. Even then I ended up on minimessage:

wait a minute, that isn't minimessage! Even on the main post it doesn't have any links to documentation I could easily find. There was apparently a document, however I was unable to find it.

tldr minimessage only good for gradients (and rainbow if you like that) in /ii, color codes are insanely better for literally anything else including speed. chat is not notepad++, you do not need to write in html in it

let me know if i missed anything
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-Lack of easily accessible documentation:
With color codes you have them ingame with /einfo colors, on multiple websites, and (I really feel old now) some people such as me have EIGHT YEARS OF EXPERIENCE yikes im old
I had to search not "minimessage" not "minimessage minecraft" but "minimessage minecraft plugin" to find something that wasn't giving me a bad feeling/a sus link. Even then I ended up on minimessage:

I already spent an insane amount of time rewriting ItemizerX to use minimessage and tbh i won't be reverting it so unless there's another way to convert it it's denied
Why not just add a regex check to see if color codes are present in the input and if it finds them, use the legacy component serializer for the item name/lore instead of MiniMessage? It wouldn't be that hard to implement.
Wasn't rewriting plugins one of the main reasons development on TF grinded to a halt? I'm fine with losing minimessage if we stick to stock version of plugins.
I did this on my own time independent of TF development. Need I remind you I did this in June and July when I was not a developer on TF. There is no "custom" version of ItemizerX. It's always been one plugin and there was never a customized one for TF.