Canceled: Bending world wipe notice


System Administrator
Forum Administrator
The bending world will be wiped in a week due to the size becoming massive in a very short period of time. The world will be put up for download and will be regenerated.

Okay, so, I made that thread late last night without fully thinking it through. The bending world has grown nearly 30GB in just a few days. Permission was given for the event. However, in it's current state, it's unsustainable to do them. I can make an events world that gets wiped frequently. For now, I'm trying chunk trimming first before wiping the bending world. Going forward, world borders will be set after world wipes. For now, they should all be off

Edit: I was able to trim the chunks and the world wipe is canceled for now.
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You can blame quack95 for this btw

Serious question: Why not set a 10k by 10k world border? That would limit most world sizes to at most 23 gb, and I doubt players will ever be going out that far for legitimate reasons.

can't be anything under 100k from what I just tested, old spawns would be outside of the border
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Serious question: Why not set a 10k by 10k world border?
Yes please, for the new worlds set a small border (e.g. /tpr range) and increase it when mecessary.

Easier for you to manage world sizes and easier for everybody else as they don't have to run around saving stuff.
Yes please, for the new worlds set a small border (e.g. /tpr range) and increase it when mecessary.

Easier for you to manage world sizes and easier for everybody else as they don't have to run around saving stuff.
Probably for the best if this isn't applied to existing worlds, only to new ones as world wipes become necessary.
The bending world will be wiped in a week due to the size becoming massive in a very short period of time. The world will be put up for download and will be regenerated.
man, this gets rid of so much useful stuff
-warp hub
-music hub
-movecraft tutorial
-the first town on the server
-a lot of effort (altho thats same with the past flatlands wipe)
-quacks roadtrip event (makes the server active)
a lot of these builds are things that you can't just "oh copy and paste into the new world" because of things like armor stands

would it be possible to do something instead like just regen out past 25k or smth so very little gets lost (the vast majority of those chunks roadtrip loaded are empty)
Yes please, for the new worlds set a small border (e.g. /tpr range) and increase it when mecessary.

Easier for you to manage world sizes and easier for everybody else as they don't have to run around saving stuff.
This is the plan going forward
man, this gets rid of so much useful stuff
-warp hub
-music hub
-movecraft tutorial
-the first town on the server
-a lot of effort (altho thats same with the past flatlands wipe)
-quacks roadtrip event (makes the server active)
a lot of these builds are things that you can't just "oh copy and paste into the new world" because of things like armor stands

would it be possible to do something instead like just regen out past 25k or smth so very little gets lost (the vast majority of those chunks roadtrip loaded are empty)
I had no success trying to do chunk trimming for the flatlands but sure I'll try that first. I was tired as hell and am tired of the disk space rapidly increasing from something every month
a lot of these builds are things that you can't just "oh copy and paste into the new world" because of things like armor stands
More like because there's an unfair amount of blocked stuff in FAWE right now and not even I as a senior admin can paste my schematics that use doors and levers
More like because there's an unfair amount of blocked stuff in FAWE right now and not even I as a senior admin can paste my schematics that use doors and levers
tell me how to fix it and I'll look into it
I know this is long over and everyone's already forgotten about this because TF but I feel the need to talk about it further:

In my defense, I was told by an exec (former-exec at present) that my roadtrip was completely okay to continue in the bending world. I continued, up to 2.3 million blocks and then we stopped. Next day, world's gone 30 gigabytes up in size and we're royally fucked in terms of disk space. Who's to blame? Me.

Backlash, loads of it. Fellas DMing me, telling me "It's all your fucking fault you did this" and thinking every world got wiped, even though the announcement clearly read otherwise. Now, worldborder gets shrunken and I'm actually to blame. "quack your roadtrip did this it was all your idea look what happened" Sure, but I never wanted or planned on this either. I wanted an event that people loved, and it was indeed a success. Two tabs of players, and 30 players as a whole, that's great. But it came with downsides, and those downsides were people's stuff getting lost temporarily.

I admit, it was a genuine mistake on my end that I didn't think flying 2.3 million blocks would be bad in terms of disk space but once again they're all completely empty chunks. People loved the event at the time before this entire ordeal, and we were all under the impression that the bending world, even if had gone up in size, could be easily trimmed or wiped and the event would go on further.

We were mistaken, and I accept that. I accept that it was an actual mistake doing the roadtrip and ever thinking that someone's builds and stuff may get lost after doing so, and I'm sorry. Once again this is loong over and I'm very late to the party but I felt like I needed to address this. Thanks awesomers!
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Backlash, loads of it. Fellas DMing me, telling me "It's all your fucking fault you did this" and thinking every world got wiped, even though the announcement clearly read otherwise. Now, worldborder gets shrunken and I'm actually to blame. "quack your roadtrip did this it was all your idea look what happened" Sure, but I never wanted or planned on this either. I wanted an event that people loved, and it was indeed a success. Two tabs of players, and 30 players as a whole, that's great. But it came with downsides, and those downsides were people's stuff getting lost temporarily.
Your events did result in some measurable level of activity though, but the specific ones might've been either the spleef or mob arena since I don't get how walking in a straight line can be entertaining. I also wasn't aware people were bordering on harassment against you for this so I feel kinda guilty now for what I said earlier even though I never dmed you or anything.
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