- 6
- MarioKartWii
- Pronouns
1. Minecraft name: MarioKartWii
2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any): HondaS2000
3. Approximate date of long-term ban: 6/15/24
4. Reason for a long-term ban. Please do not lie, and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: Being known as a "constant shitstirrer", Pasting "suggestive content and NSFW" at spawn, and spreading "misinformation".
5. Is this ban appeal also for a discord ban issued with the long-term ban (yes/no, if applicable) no
6. Do you agree to follow our community guidelines (https://totalfreedom.tf/community-guidelines/) and all the conditions stated above? yeah
I'll first start off by apologizing for causing any chaos or drama on the server or riling any people up. I'll refrain from summoning arguments in the future as I know it causes problems for the staff team. Everybody deserves peace on TF. However, the furry art issue is still not solved. I continued the furry art argument for so long because it is a double standard in the rules and I felt that a lot of the staff supported getting rid of it simply because members of the community have hate and prejudice against furries. I've received so many conflicting responses from different staff members over months of the furry art saga. The art was never outright banned until Telesphoreo banned all furry art from spawn. That is also the same time Quack opened the LBR. Going forward I will abandon the furry art saga if it brings the community peace I guess. (Even though there is still furry art right at spawn placed by other people.) Any reasonable person could see the map art and determine only some of it can be considered suggestive at most. Yet, it is still labeled as outright NSFW even in the LBR. The strongest argument staff always make is that they are protecting minors from NSFW, but that means we have a double standard. If you stick around for long enough (like one hour during active times), some very grotesque and NSFW topics arise in the chat and in discord. So we are banning all slightly suggestive art, yet very adult content is still frequently talked about in the public chat. The drama and arguments are just a side product of my dedication to truth and fairness in regards to the furry art issue. Anyways, here are just a few examples of very adult topics I have seen in chat:

Really strange how this is allowed but some barely suggestive furry art is banned to protect the minors. Can you at least understand why I've been so stubborn on this issue? This is hogwash.
In regards to the confederate flag issue, I'm sorry if my bit has offended some people. I only ever built it one time and it was promptly removed by staff. The confederate flag is commonly used a symbol of southern pride in modern times, but I understand that it can still offend people. It should also be noted that Luke has been ill informed and believes I always place the flag everywhere or something. I would get a screenshot or a quote but I don't have access to get proof anymore.
That leads me on to the final topic of "spreading misinformation". This is by far the weakest of Quack's claims. I'm not sure how stating my interpretation and opinion of Telesphoreo banning all suggestive art from spawn counts as spreading misinformation. Banning all suggestive art is effectively banning all art, as all art can be considered suggestive by any single person. Refer to the LBR if you are confused. It should also be noted that Quack tried banning all flags and all map art from spawn all on his lonesome one time. I should not be penalized if my statement about what is banned and what isn't banned is not completely accurate, especially like less than an hour after it happened.
Anyways I guess that's all. Please take time to consider my ban appeal Big Brother. Sorry for any unnecessary trouble.
2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any): HondaS2000
3. Approximate date of long-term ban: 6/15/24
4. Reason for a long-term ban. Please do not lie, and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: Being known as a "constant shitstirrer", Pasting "suggestive content and NSFW" at spawn, and spreading "misinformation".
5. Is this ban appeal also for a discord ban issued with the long-term ban (yes/no, if applicable) no
6. Do you agree to follow our community guidelines (https://totalfreedom.tf/community-guidelines/) and all the conditions stated above? yeah
I'll first start off by apologizing for causing any chaos or drama on the server or riling any people up. I'll refrain from summoning arguments in the future as I know it causes problems for the staff team. Everybody deserves peace on TF. However, the furry art issue is still not solved. I continued the furry art argument for so long because it is a double standard in the rules and I felt that a lot of the staff supported getting rid of it simply because members of the community have hate and prejudice against furries. I've received so many conflicting responses from different staff members over months of the furry art saga. The art was never outright banned until Telesphoreo banned all furry art from spawn. That is also the same time Quack opened the LBR. Going forward I will abandon the furry art saga if it brings the community peace I guess. (Even though there is still furry art right at spawn placed by other people.) Any reasonable person could see the map art and determine only some of it can be considered suggestive at most. Yet, it is still labeled as outright NSFW even in the LBR. The strongest argument staff always make is that they are protecting minors from NSFW, but that means we have a double standard. If you stick around for long enough (like one hour during active times), some very grotesque and NSFW topics arise in the chat and in discord. So we are banning all slightly suggestive art, yet very adult content is still frequently talked about in the public chat. The drama and arguments are just a side product of my dedication to truth and fairness in regards to the furry art issue. Anyways, here are just a few examples of very adult topics I have seen in chat:

Really strange how this is allowed but some barely suggestive furry art is banned to protect the minors. Can you at least understand why I've been so stubborn on this issue? This is hogwash.
In regards to the confederate flag issue, I'm sorry if my bit has offended some people. I only ever built it one time and it was promptly removed by staff. The confederate flag is commonly used a symbol of southern pride in modern times, but I understand that it can still offend people. It should also be noted that Luke has been ill informed and believes I always place the flag everywhere or something. I would get a screenshot or a quote but I don't have access to get proof anymore.
That leads me on to the final topic of "spreading misinformation". This is by far the weakest of Quack's claims. I'm not sure how stating my interpretation and opinion of Telesphoreo banning all suggestive art from spawn counts as spreading misinformation. Banning all suggestive art is effectively banning all art, as all art can be considered suggestive by any single person. Refer to the LBR if you are confused. It should also be noted that Quack tried banning all flags and all map art from spawn all on his lonesome one time. I should not be penalized if my statement about what is banned and what isn't banned is not completely accurate, especially like less than an hour after it happened.
Anyways I guess that's all. Please take time to consider my ban appeal Big Brother. Sorry for any unnecessary trouble.
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