Server Remove Minimessage (Not) Entirely

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So you want us to remove MiniMessage in favor of legacy formatting that doesn't support anywhere near as much flexibility as it does? I'm all for supporting legacy stuff but only if you give people the option to use either it or MiniMessage.

So you want us to remove MiniMessage in favor of legacy formatting that doesn't support anywhere near as much flexibility as it does? I'm all for supporting legacy stuff but only if you give people the option to use either it or MiniMessage.

If you give us the option to use minimessage or legacy, that would be fine. Also how is minimessage more flexible anyways?
Also how is minimessage more flexible anyways?
You can do a lot more with it. For example:
- You can set text to use a different in-game font than by default with the <font> tag.
- You can do gradients with practically an unlimited number of colors by using the <gradient> tag.
- You can start and stop certain color codes, which reduces repetition on how many color codes you need to add.

For example, "<font:uniform><dark_gray>[<gradient:#FF00FF:#8888FF>Lyicx sucks!</gradient>]" returns this as an output:
I object, and as per ayunami's suggestion I've already implemented both minimessage and legacy support in tags and chat. As for nicknames, stick to /nickmm because that's essentials.
You can use legacy color codes in Plex chat now
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