Server Some kind of reward for voting


Well-known member
This server should reimplement rewards for voting, but not in a way which restricts features or anything similar. Maybe a colored name in-game / in the discord would suffice.
I Vouch. Giving some fun and unique cosmetics can be a nice reward for people voting. Some kind of incentive in general could help encourage people to vote since it gives them a nice reason to (such as 25 votes and you get a cosmetic).
I vouch for rewards on voting.

However, I disagree with Alco's take on it. The 25 cap would mean that players would reach 25 votes and stop because there is nothing more to get. Instead, we should have a minimum cap, say 10 votes? After which, the most active voter (or the top 5 etc.) is taken and rewarded with whatever the reward may be.

This incentivises players to continue voting at risk of losing the reward, instead of stopping after 25 votes.
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I vouch for rewards on voting.

However, I disagree with Alco's take on it. The 25 cap would mean that players would reach 25 votes and stop because there is nothing more to get. Instead, we should have a minimum cap, say 10 votes? After which, the most active voter (or the top 5 etc.) is taken and rewarded with whatever the reward may be.

This incentivises players to continue voting at risk of losing the reward, instead of stopping after 25 votes.
I said something similar in the discord to act as a replacement for the current "mentally unstable" system, which I never liked since it encouraged idling. Most other servers with votifier do this and for good reason.
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I said something similar in the discord to act as a replacement for the current "mentally unstable" system, which I never liked since it encouraged idling. Most other servers with votifier do this and for good reason.
wouldn't voting be worse however? for mentally unstable you at least need to play, as opposed to just setting up a bot to autovote like on the old tf server
Vouch, but if you add some sort of in-game message telling people they can vote every 10 minutes or so, please add a command to turn those messages off. One thing I love about the reboot is the lack of automated server adverts in chat.
Vouch, but if you add some sort of in-game message telling people they can vote every 10 minutes or so, please add a command to turn those messages off. One thing I love about the reboot is the lack of automated server adverts in chat.
A reminder when joining the server and only during that time would be a good system. VotingPlugin has an option for that even.
I vouch, I think it would be a good addition, as right now, you only really vote if you want to - and there's no real reward. However, I think the mentally unstable system isn't that bad, because it's a fun joke and i've seen it being joked about in a lot of cases. Maybe the requirement for mentally unstable could be not online time, but active online time. There's ways to implement that properly, and I think it should be looked into. Not too hard. Heck, I know Java - I could probably do it honestly.