Admin Application - 0x7694C9


1. Have you read the pre-application checklist and do you understand all of the prerequisites and requirements? It is available here: Yes

2. What is your Minecraft in game name. You must have a premium account you have access to. Your forum username should match your in game username or you must have it in your profile. What is your timezone (e.g. CST or GMT -6:00)? EST and my IGN is 0x7694C9

3. When did you join TotalFreedom (e.g. November 11, 2013)? I joined the Discord in October of 2023, but did not register an official Minecraft account until early 2024.

4. Do you have a Discord account? While not required, a lot of communication happens on our Discord server. If so, please include your Discord username here. If your Discord account still has a discriminator, please include it as well. I do, it's 0x7694c9

5. How often are you available to perform administrative duties? State daily, a few times a week, or less than once a week. We understand that real life obligations are a priority. I do have a job, and other priorities outside of Minecraft, but I will try to be online at least a few times a week.

6. Please list the admins who have recommended you. You must have at least one recommendation. Each admin that has recommended you must confirm their recommendation and write a paragraph on why they believe you would be a good candidate for admin. It is the responsibility of the person who recommended you to do so. @gamingto12 totally did not go :3 mode

7. Do you have a family member that shares your Minecraft account? Do they play on this server as well? I do, but this will not be an issue since they only play singleplayer.

8. How comfortable are you with using server administration plugins and commands? Please note that we do not use TotalFreedomMod. You should be familiar with Plex. You can find more information about Plex here: Very comfortable

The following questions are short answer questions. They should be one to two paragraphs each:
9. What specific skills or qualities do you possess that would make you a good fit for being an admin? I believe that I have fair judgement, and that I am willing to level with people and not lash out so quick. I can say that I can point out trolls and attention seekers quite well, so if needed I can handle that without resorting to getting stern and assertive. I have plenty of experience in moderating this type of server, and I know the playerbase of these servers quite well, so trying to maneuver my way around things will not be super difficult. Obviously I am still learning how to navigate my way around TotalFreedom and how the players act/react to certain things, but that should not set me back from doing my administrative duties.

10. How do you collaborate with other team members to achieve goals? Can you provide an example of a time when you worked effectively in a team environment? As most of you probably know, I am an Executive on another Creative/Free-OP server, and I am constantly using problem solving skills within the upper management team and trying to do the best we can to make things enjoyable and make players want to stay, as well as figuring out new things to do, changes to make, etc. An example of this was; many months ago, we had a player who was permanently banned, but also an anarchy enthusiast, so they took the server as a "Okay I can do whatever I want", so they were bypassing a lot (similar to this "Akefu Brewer" situation I've been hearing about, but just less "raids" and more "annoyance"). At that time, we were cracked, since we had players (and staff lol) who were cracked players and were also regulars, so we wanted to be nice, but this eventually got out of hand, so we had to figure out something to do that would stop this madness. And me being the smart cookie I am, I came up with a few ideas (to save time, I'll save it for later).

11. How do you plan to engage with the community as an admin? How would you handle criticism or negative feedback from players? I love criticism, I'm not perfect, no one is perfect, I will accept any type of criticism as long as it doesn't just insult me, that's my line. I'll be sure to respect players, while also have a little fun and lighten up a little bit and joke around, cause we LOVE jokes, right guys......yeah.

12. If a player reported another player for violating the rules, how would you investigate and handle the situation? I would first talk to both players, see their sides of the story. After that, I would ask the player for evidence, if not already provided, of their claims. After that, if I can't decide what to do, I would bring it up to other admins/executives.
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vouch + rec confirmed (he did in fact "go :3 mode" it was kinda strange)

i've seen a lot of good things from 0x, i think they'd make a really good addition to the team.
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Vouch. I don't think we've had an applicant with preliminary experience in administration in a good while, and from what I've seen of you in chat, you get along with the community well. We really do need more admins that desire to talk about server matters on an open basis, and according to the application, you fit that bit squarely. I do hope to see you on the team; good luck!
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vouch, I've seen funny numbers man administrate on an unaffiliated server and he seems to know his stuff
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Vmouch :3
But seriously like the server only has 3 admins who are ever active including me and you seem like an insanely good applicant!!
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I'm going to vouch. Having seen you on another server, I believe you're more than competent enough to handle the role.
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Vouch. You're very qualified since you've managed other servers before.
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I've seen you work on another server, so as far as I'm concerned there's no real issues or concerns on my end, and the votes from the community are all positive. I'm happy to say this application is approved.
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