Anti Admin Reinstate - not too many active admins right now


Well-known member
The following questions are questions that should be answered in a sentence or less:
1. Have you read the pre-application checklist and do you understand all of the prerequisites and requirements? It is available here:


2. What is your Minecraft in game name. You must have a premium account you have access to. Your forum username should match your in game username or you must have it in your profile. What is your timezone (e.g. CST or GMT -6:00)?

_win9x_ timezone: EST

3. When did you join TotalFreedom (e.g. November 11, 2013)?

Jan 15, 2015

3. Do you have a Discord account? While not required, a lot of communication happens on our Discord server. If so, please include your Discord username here. If your Discord account still has a discriminator, please include it as well.

yes, it is windows9x_

4. How often are you available to perform administrative duties? State daily, a few times a week, or less than once a week. We understand that real life obligations are a priority.

daily, if there is no irl disturbances

5. Please list the admins who have recommended you. You must have at least one recommendation. Each admin that has recommended you must confirm their recommendation and write a paragraph on why they believe you would be a good candidate for admin. It is the responsibility of the person who recommended you to do so.


6. Do you have a family member that shares your Minecraft account? Do they play on this server as well?


7. How comfortable are you with using server administration plugins and commands? Please note that we do not use TotalFreedomMod. You should be familiar with Plex. You can find more information about Plex here:

I am comfortable using server plugins and commands. I am not familiar with plex, I would need some training.

The following questions are short answer questions. They should be one to two paragraphs each:
8. What specific skills or qualities do you possess that would make you a good fit for being an admin?

I would be a good fit for being an admin, because I have some experience of being admin on other servers, I am very supportive and can collaborate with others. I can sometimes manage my time, I am always available during my free time. some skills I have are time management, finding ways to destress and being able to get along with other players.

9. How do you collaborate with other team members to achieve goals? Can you provide an example of a time when you worked effectively in a team environment?

I would collaborate with team members to achieve goals. If I ever need help I can ask other players to get the help I need. An example was this February when I was investigating the schweemo ban envasion case. Video and I worked together to solve the case and figure out who schweemo was using evidence from video's experience with schweemo and evidence from discord servers I was in.
10. How do you plan to engage with the community as an admin? How would you handle criticism or negative feedback from players?

The way I plan to engage with the community as an admin is to try to help other players and interact with them. I would also collaborate and help with their projects. if I get negative feedback from a player I would talk to them and report it to the other admins and try to ignore it. if I get criticism, I would take the criticism and try to make improvements to be better.

11. If a player reported another player for violating the rules, how would you investigate and handle the situation?

if a player reports another player for violating the rules I would use /co I and dayban for griefing. if they spam chat I would give them a 5 minute mute and if they keep going then its a ban. If in a situation of a suspected bypasser or a raid. I would look up for possible alts and if its a bypasser, I would ban.

If you were previously an admin on TotalFreedom, please answer the following questions. If you have not previously held any rank on TotalFreedom, you may skip this section entirely.
12. What rank were you from approximately which dates? (e.g. Admin from October 2013 - June 2016)

Admin from Oct 2021 - Oct 2022

13. Why were you removed for admin? Pick one of the choices below:
a. For inactivity. Did you leave with or without posting a notice? If you did not post a notice, please explain why
b. For a security breach. If so, please explain how you have secured your accounts and how it won't happen again
c. For quitting or resigning. If so, explain why you did instead of posting an inactivity notice
d. For misconduct. If so, explain in detail what happened and why it won't happen again
e. I left to avoid a suspension. If so, explain in detail what happened and why it won't happen again
f. If you don't know why you were removed, say "I don't know why I was removed"

I don't know why

14. If you were just removed for inactivity, you may skip this question. Otherwise, please write a paragraph detailing why you should be reinstated to admin and what you have done to merit a reinstatement. Examples can include reporting players, assisted new players, contributed to TF development, or helped develop TF in some other way such as improving policy.

I should be reinstated because there hasn’t been any active admins on the server recently. I have been improving my time management and stress levels. Over the past couple of months I have reported players and engaged in the community and try to help other players. I should be entitled for reinstatement so I can help make this server a better place, help other admins and players, and and help make the player’s experience on the server better.

We appreciate your interest in being an admin on TotalFreedom and appreciate you taking the time to fill out the application. Good luck!
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Edit: I have tried to DM erin asking for a specific reason and got no answer
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To back Telesphoreo, I was removed to become hub mod, Erin noticed that I was being stressed out and knew that the responsibilities of being an admin wasn't the best thing for me. this time I will try to manage the stress and responsibilities
I'm pretty active but yeah we do need another admin, vouch :D
(free crack with /crack only admins can do this command...)
Vouch, this server needs more active admins if the server is going to spike in players at random moments. And with me being away for college, I can't really fill the emergency admin spot.
On top of all that, Anti has proven to be capable of doing admin duties fairly well, not only as an admin on TotalFreedom in the past, but as well as (not going to namedrop my server lol). Overall a good pick for reinstatement.
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I believe the consensus is positive so I will approve this. Congratulations