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2. What did they do?
This user has been extremely toxic ever since they joined, not only have they threatened to spam porn and nsfw in chat, they've also flat out said the nword, made tons of sexual remarks in chat and have a complete disregard for the rules. They were banned yesterday for saying shit like "im gonna put my sperm in you" and placing questionable banners around spawn, even after being asked to stop. They joined back today and did the exact same thing, if not worse.
3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the community guidelines?
Media, Language, Treatment of other players
4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here.

(The banners in the left image were copies of the one on the right, /co restore doesn't actually show banner NBT for whatever reason)
5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers.
They have an alt called "gothwomen"
6. Duration of the ban (Set a duration that reflects the severity of the offense.)
The duration is up for debate, i'd say anywhere between 2-4 weeks
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