LBR - killtofulfill (xx_bodyguard_xx)

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Well-known member
1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender. Format as follows:

2. What did they do?
killtofulfill is a serial griefer, with a very very high hope to one time make a functional chunkban or bookban. They've griefed, multiple times (5 times), tried to make chunkbans (2 times), and bookbans, also twice. They're clearly fond of the idea. Their griefs were on a mostly major scale, and the worst of all, they have posted an IP logger in chat.

3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the community guidelines?
fuck them rules. IP loggers, griefing, chunkbans, bookbans. PLEASE update the guidelines

4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here.
@videogamesm12 @QRTRx4 @_97 @Alco_Rs11
I don't have proof of much but all I do know is the admins I tagged banned him for chunkbans and bookbans.

5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers.
Yes, known as:
- killtofulfill
- xx_bodyguard_xx
No they are not currently banned on them.
6. Duration of the ban (Set a duration that reflects the severity of the offense.)
4 or 5 months.
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This same individual has set the eveelution spawn to acacia buttons, and before that they tried to get people to the other spawn so nobody would notice. They have been banned on both accounts for griefing. :D

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Vouch. I recommend including more evidence of some sorts. Like when they griefed spawn.
Vouch. I recommend including more evidence of some sorts. Like when they griefed spawn.
i can't really seem to get that evidence since it was a split second edit—but whenever i get the chance next time I'll take it
i can't really seem to get that evidence since it was a split second edit—but whenever i get the chance next time I'll take it
Did you have the Replay Mod installed and running at the time of the incident?
If anything you can easily use /co lookup and attempt to do a preview of their grief. Make sure not to apply any "changes" made in the preview though.
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I'm leaning on the vouch but it isn't clear to me if the second message is about a ban you've issued roughly 20 minutes after filing this request.
I'm leaning on the vouch but it isn't clear to me if the second message is about a ban you've issued roughly 20 minutes after filing this request.
I was there when it happened, it was. If I remember correctly, the grief was in response to the LBR being filed.

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xx_bodyguard_xx was online playing with books and made someone say degenerate **** and griefed once again.
Extending my vote due to the behavior listed above. Vouch for a permanent ban. This is completely inexcusable no matter the methodology or given reason, and no one should resort to sexually harassing a staff member online. The griefing shit's bad enough. I'm so sorry you had to put up with that, Anti.

Playing my part and offering photographic proof, courtesy of riawo:

The below book may be inappropriate or sensitive. View with caution. I hope this spoiler thing works.
This is the sexual harassment I was disdaining above.


This is another book used afterward, that when clicked, makes you grief a radius around yourself. Use with caution if you get your hands on it.

This is him attempting to use the bullshit ol' reliable "it's TOTALFREEDOM guys it has to be anarchy!!!" excuse. He knows this server has rules.

I want him out.
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