Long Term Ban Request - mel0o

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Well-known member

2. What did they do?
Mel0o has been insensitive, racist and sometimes plainly talking about NSFW topics in public chat. Everyone in the server has agreed melo is all of the above and has showed indifference to that fact, and continuing as normal. Although his actions are mostly in discord, he also repeats his behavior in-game.

3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the community guidelines?
There's no rule that explicitly states what he's doing is wrong, but it may fall under Treatment towards members, as he has no filter even in the presence of minors. He is also a constant nuisance, talking about sensitive topics and blatantly stating that he believes he is absolutely correct.

4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here.
1705509151913.png (he means the monkey lego, which is just saying he hates black people)

5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers.

6. Duration of the ban (Set a duration that reflects the severity of the offence.)
6 or 3 months seems like a good duration.
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Way too extreme. He has been banned from the Discord, hopefully that will get through to him. If he continues to behave like a dumbass in-game, then we'll talk.

I do see Quack's point - these interjections hold no place in a server hosted on a game catered towards children and teens, and this type of behavior has made a strange resurgence with a few members of the community in recent times, which is a problem that should be addressed. However, I'm not sure if immediately moving with an LBR would be a good move. I've talked with mel0o before, and I do believe that in time, he could drop this side of him and be a good member of the community. I could be biased, though - I hold some sympathy towards him, as I was in the same boat he was a long time ago.

Neutral considering the Discord ban. We'll see where this goes, and I'll update my decision based on his future behavior.
I do see Quack's point - these interjections hold no place in a server hosted on a game catered towards children and teens, and this type of behavior has made a strange resurgence with a few members of the community in recent times, which is a problem that should be addressed. However, I'm not sure if immediately moving with an LBR would be a good move. I've talked with mel0o before, and I do believe that in time, he could drop this side of him and be a good member of the community. I could be biased, though - I hold some sympathy towards him, as I was in the same boat he was a long time ago.

Neutral considering the Discord ban. We'll see where this goes, and I'll update my decision based on his future behavior.
Just adding to this, mel0o asked about their discord ban and it escalated to talking about the open LBR. He thinks his actions are completely fine and there's nothing wrong with him. These messages (the proof) were also recent, which doesn't show much signs of change. There is countless other proof, and just now he has said "eat bugs between my asscheeks" in-game.
This LBR will most likely not be accepted, but my closing points are mel0o should probably be removed from the server before he offends anyone else or continues his insensitive jokes which will lead to a longer LBR and more consequences.
I vouch, honestly. I don't like his behavior. He's joked many times about being racist and just barely crossed the line between what's okay and what isn't. He also goes on the Discord every day and begs for embed permissions. It was given to him, but taken away after he abused it. Vouch for three months.
I Object. He generally behaves in-game so a ban on Discord would be more appropriate. If his poor behaviour starts melting into the server or forum, then an LBR should be considered.
i don't see how this should mirror to in-game, being banned on discord should be fine.
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