Trump Wins the 2024 Election


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What are all of your thoughts? I'm somewhat shocked Trump won the popular vote by so much. I expected it to be much closer since this is the first time a lot of Gen Z is able to vote. Gen Z does tend to be more left, but who knows, honestly.

I think the Democrats fucked up big time calling everyone who didn't vote for Kamala stupid and fascists and Nazis. Why would you vote for a candidate like that if that's how you're treated by their supporters? I also think there's a growing sentiment in a lot of people that we want less government. It's clear it's corrupt, too beaurocratic, and bleeding money on shit we don't need to. Now is not a great time to try and get the government more involved in our lives given that sentiment.

I also know the majority of people simply don't like Kamala. Her personality felt fake with the accents and honestly a lot of people think she's just straight up obnoxious. Not saying Trump isn't full of lies either though.

I'm still in shock he won by such a big margin. What are your thoughts?
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I'm not a fan of him, but that doesn't change the fact that he won the election fair and square. I'm disappointed that Americans chose this guy to run our country despite his disastrous initial handling of COVID-19, the downright batshit rhetoric he spews on his retarded social media all the time, his refusal to admit any form of responsibility in what happened on January 6, 2021 (to the point where he's even calling it a plot staged by the Deep State, lmao), and so on, but whatever.

I think the Democrats fucked up big time calling everyone who didn't vote for Kamala stupid and fascists and Nazis. Why would you vote for a candidate like that if that's how you're treated by their supporters?
This is a problem that has plagued the loud minority of the Democrats since at least 2016, but I don't think that was their biggest mistake. It was certainly a part of it, but if it was really that bad then it should have costed them the election in 2020 when anti-Trump sentiment was at an all-time high, but it didn't. To me, their biggest mistake was banking on Biden for years and then being forced to switch candidates at the last minute after ignoring his increasingly clear cognitive decline for so long. That and the growing economic shitshow probably greatly contributed to the growing sentiment that the Democrats are extremely clumsy and have no idea what they were doing.

I also think there's a growing sentiment in a lot of people that we want less government. It's clear it's corrupt, too beaurocratic, and bleeding money on shit we don't need to. Now is not a great time to try and get the government more involved in our lives given that sentiment.
This is something I agree with to a point. Something I've noticed is that while some federal policies make sense for smaller and denser countries like New York City or Washington DC for one reason or another, they don't make sense in more suburban/urban parts of the country with different roles in our economy and scale poorly as a result. The political landscape is just completely different in states like Texas or Wyoming than California. Giving the states the ability to decide those policies for themselves does make sense for some cases but that too has its own issues when it comes to moral issues. This is a topic for another discussion, however.

I don't think Trump will be able to cleanly accomplish this in a single term and in fact some of the points in his platform seem to even contradict this. His platform states things like "keeping men out of women's sports" and discusses cutting funding for schools pushing "critical race theory", but that means getting involved in our lives more, not less. Plus, you need to be careful what you gut and what you don't because some sectors have regulations for a reason and history has taught us that recklessly compromising regulations in favor of speed/efficiency almost never works out well in the long term.
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fucking ridiculous but america get what they deserve. one of the people i talk to keeps giving really obscure hints that trump may be a fascist, but i personally dont think he's even competent enough to. but either way america loses, they shouldve voted for the doc
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fucking ridiculous but america get what they deserve. one of the people i talk to keeps giving really obscure hints that trump may be a fascist, but i personally dont think he's even competent enough to. but either way america loses, they shouldve voted for the doc
My honest opinion is, people tend to focus too much on a single person and forget who's behind them.
In this specific case, you have to look at who's supporting him or getting a position in the new government.
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Sort of saw this coming. It's official that Kamala is objectively now worse than Biden. No one liked her in 2020, and no one likes her now. You can at least say that Biden was a president.

I think the democrats are very dramatic about their loss very much how the republicans were with theirs. We'll be fine and we'll make it to 2028. If we somehow don't. Please reply to this making fun of me.
I think the democrats are very dramatic about their loss very much how the republicans were with theirs.
As long as they just cry about it and don't raid the government buildings like Trump supporters did, I'm fine with that kind of drama.
Given the Republican Party is slated to take control of the House (They already got the Presidency and Senate), if they fuck up bad enough during the first two years there's always the Midterm elections that can shift the balance of power a bit, possibly neutering the second half of Trump's term as a lot of his legislation will have a harder time being passed.
It's 2016, Trump has won the presidency, the Republicans have control over the House and the Senate, and the Atlanta Falcons appears to be on an impossible comeback season after multiple years of losses.

It's 2024, Trump has won the presidency, the Republicans have control over the House and the Senate, and the Atlanta Falcons appears to be on an impossible comeback season after multiple years of losses.

It's 2032-
Video's stance on this is fairly close to mine (though I could never articulate it so eloquently).

After mostly departing from TF, the next community I sort of found a place in is the modding scene for Celeste (the 2018 game about climbing a mountain), a game and community with heavy (and not completely unfounded) LGBT+ stereotypes and undertones. As a cis white guy, I'm sure I'll get through this relatively OK, but I'm still worried about everyone else…