Twomad and Pedophiles


Do we celebrate the death of pedophiles?

My opinion: I would not celebrate their deaths unless I've seen that they haven't done anything positive, e.g., Twomad made funny videos, then tragically took a wrong turn, and people are celebrating his death despite what he contributed positively to the world.

Yes. We celebrate the death of pedophiles.
No matter what contributions they've made beforehand, if they start noncing on minors, then it's all invalidated.
Pedophiles are genuine scum of the earth.
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To reaffirm my philosophy on this subject: The moment you begin to harm other people or sentient beings for your own pleasure, adult or child, human or not, I see you as a sick fuck who deserves no glory. This does not, however, extend to celebrating death. For clarification, that only means I'm not going to partake in it. Whether you participate in reveling in a phile's death or not is up to you, and I'm not going to stop you if they're on my shitlist.

Twomad's done a lot of awful things in the latter half of his career, ranging from claiming a teen murdered in a hate crime as his girlfriend on Twitter as a sick joke, to genuinely attempting to have someone killed MULTIPLE times. It's also important to note that earlier before this, he had notable grooming accusations levied against him with surmounting evidence. He's not a good person, and shouldn't have any praise or defense given to him considering the things he's done.

However, I'm going to take time out of my day to party over his death via overdose. You can. I don't care. I have more important things to do than shine light on an irredeemable scumbag, and allowing him to be forgotten is more tarnishing to his spirit and history than celebration. Celebrating his death gives him remembrance.
I would not celebrate their deaths unless I've seen that they haven't done anything positive
Plenty of horrible, horrible, reprehensible people have done at least one good thing in their lives.
Twomad made funny videos, then tragically took a wrong turn
I think calling the things he did "a wrong turn" is understatement of the year.
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Yes. We celebrate the death of pedophiles.
No matter what contributions they've made beforehand, if they start noncing on minors, then it's all invalidated.
Pedophiles are genuine scum of the earth.
I disagree, I can appreciate the contributions of people to the world and also dislike their past actions at the same time.

I agree to celebrate that the pedophile is dead, but not celebrate that the person themselves is dead. There was a person, with a personality, and a life, who existed on this earth, and made real impacts, both positive and negative. They have a family, people who loved them, people who hated them, friends, enemies, etc., and I believe that as a person on this earth they shouldn't be devalued because of specific actions and extremely poor decisions. One is meant to look at the positives of their life when they die, not the negatives.

So, yes, you can hate their negative actions in a review of their life, but don't devalue the person themselves or forget the good they brought to the world. The fact that Twomad is a celebrity in the first place is because he gained positive popularity for his actions.
Yes, looking at the good actions of bad people doesn't automatically make them a good person. And the bad actions of a good person doesn't always make them bad. But, there are some actions that are genuinely so horrible, that it doesn't really matter what good the person did. Donating food to a charity, for example, doesn't really make you a good person if you are a pedophile.
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Yes, looking at the good actions of bad people doesn't automatically make them a good person. And the bad actions of a good person doesn't always make them bad. But, there are some actions that are genuinely so horrible, that it doesn't really matter what good the person did. Donating food to a charity, for example, doesn't really make you a good person if you are a pedophile.
I wouldn't say they are a good person either. I would however still say they shouldn't have their death celebrated and be hated and only be remembered for what they did bad.
Death is closure. You don't suffer the human condition when you're a pile of ashes or 6ft under.

i would only celebrate the death of those pedophiles who have had a long (and i mean lifelong) gruelling painful experience to the very end. anything less is unjust considering victims have to bare the trauma and burden lifelong

their positive contributions to society while sure, might still be appreciated by those affected. but will be forever tainted by the fact that the dude behind them has brought a lifelong of trauma to a (or several) young individuals of which will affect their wellbeing and their future relationships all for one sick bastards leisure.

in twomads case. i aint looked into it all too much, i've heard vague natterings and the tweet that came out disclosing as such. if it is true then i dont think there is any justice for an early death before bro could be held accountable and suffered if true for his crimes and that is one i cannot celebrate
yes as i will celebrate the death of joe biden🥳🥳
Their lives should be made as miserable as possible. Every second of their life should be more painful and grueling than their last. Only then is it acceptable to celebrate their death. They prey on the most vulnerable of people and take advantage of it to satisfy their sick fucking sexual desires. The harm it does to their victims is immeasurable, traumatic, and life-altering. It is only fitting that the same experience should be applied to the pedophiles in question exponentially.

Even beyond life, they should continue to suffer. If hell really does exist, then it is the only place these people belong, and they belong in the darkest pits of it.
Their lives should be made as miserable as possible. Every second of their life should be more painful and grueling than their last. Only then is it acceptable to celebrate their death. They prey on the most vulnerable of people and take advantage of it to satisfy their sick fucking sexual desires. The harm it does to their victims is immeasurable, traumatic, and life-altering. It is only fitting that the same experience should be applied to the pedophiles in question exponentially.

Even beyond life, they should continue to suffer. If hell really does exist, then it is the only place these people belong, and they belong in the darkest pits of it.
partly devils advocate with a touch of genuine thought

how are we as individuals meant to tell apart a dirty nonce from a normal guy?

let’s say we castrate a nonce, lets name him Rax. Rax has never touched a child but someone falsely accused him of rape. He was castrated, irreversible damage was done and he can never have kids, do anything, solely cuz of this allegation that isn’t true.

In theory I agree, but the world is so much more complicated than that and it’s really difficult in some cases and as such the rule of law should be respected, not vigilante justice
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