a resignation thread


Discord Manager
Discord Administrator
This is something that has frankly been long coming.

I rejoined TF in Februrary because I felt like I could help out. I felt optimism, a sense that I can do some good for the place.

That hasn't happened. There's some pretty core issues right at the top, combined with the fact that the community itself is fragmented and broken. We've got a server where a quarter of the users are disillusioned, half are banned, and the rest barely want anything to do with the place. And honestly speaking I'm beginning to fall into the latter myself.

Since I've been back I've noticed division and that brings me to: Aurora.

My first day back I had to deal with an opportunistic Aurora attempting to return. I'm being honest when I say that was the most stressed out I've ever been on TF. Not only did she abuse my trust and take advantage of me, but then shit got spread that I was apparently doing so to her.

The issues didn't stop there, and I've now found myself playing cat and mouse with people who either sympathise with IPT and people who just want to stir. To be real, for a long time now it's no longer been something fun I've been doing, it's been a thankless, horrible chore where it feels very much as an 'us' vs 'them' scenario. I'm not going to pretend as if I'm blameless in that, but I've done my best. You can't please everyone, but in this community nobody seems to understand that.

The crux of this came on today, when an admin went apeshit because we made the decision to ban a user based on their own, self inflicted, behaviour. Said admin then told my staff that the said user could commit suicide because of our decision, my decision.

This isn't normal. These issues, this constant game where idiots try and cause drama, spreading downright misinformation and lies for the sake of some user who really should have let this place go a long time ago. And I will say: I'm not willing to play these games anymore.

Aurora, IPT, the way they work is by playing games. A subtle nudge in one direction, a slight push, and shit goes south. We're now facing our executives being hacked, we're facing literal attacks on our infrastructure, all because some people cannot let go. However, that's not to say our ownership is good.

Taahanis and Telesphoreo: Please change the 'Executive' system into an 'Ownership' system. I've brought it up before. Whether you want to admit it or not, you guys are the owners and the rest of us are just executives. Me and Erin are not capable of coming to you guys and saying 'you need to do this', but the reverse is clearly true for us. I'm not willing to keep pretending as if everything is okay, and that the power structure is in any way fair.

You two as the actual 'owners' also need to make a decision:

1) Call it a day, realise this place is doomed, and shut the place down or

2) Stop pretending as if everything is fine and do something to get more players back. We have obtained around 0 new, non-returning players since TF:R began. We are actively losing players, people are dropping like flies, and we're not getting any back.

The inequality stuff is an issue I've had for a long time, and nobody seems to want to do anything about it. It got basically swatted away when I brought it up privately. I don't even own the Discord, Taahanis does, yet I'm the 'equal' executive who is supposed to own it.

One more thing I want to say is: There could potentially be a new executive position opening up for my role. Might not happen, because it's likely they'll just scrap my role. But if it does:

Do not apply for it unless you are confident you cannot break. I thought I was. I was wrong. The issues plaguing this community, and has been plaguing this community for years, they will tear you apart. You cannot polish a shite, and you cannot fix TF

Now, with all said and done, I hope for two things with my stepping down:

1) The real owners (taah and teles) get their heads out the sand and realise they actually need to bring in new players to replace the ones we are haemorrhaging. Nostalgia eventually runs out.

2) Please yall just get along. No more arguing, lying and exaggerating about things, no more useless bullshit. Just, be nice.

I'm not even going to lie and pretend as if I'm leaving the community, but I can't stay here the way I am anymore.
I am in fact the admin mentioned, and I never meant for this to escalate so quickly in the course of a day. The next things I'm about to say in no way shape or form justify anything I've done, I'm simply trying to clear things up and admit my mistake

I'm going to tell the entire story of yesterday as I remember it and try to explain what happened, not justify it.
I was chatting with ria, when she showed me that the forums were really slow for her and that a rickroll randomly showed up when she used the forums. I said maybe it was some sort of joke the executives were playing or maybe it was her connection. She after explained that it was neither of those and everyone was using the forums fine.

I went to admin discussion and asked admins if any of them had a general dislike to ria, which most of them said things that weren't related to the forum shadowban. Then, Telesphoreo explained that IPT did really bad things to him due to his relation with TF and suspected ria to be the one who was telling IPT things about TF. I asked her, and she explained she had said nothing to them after her discord ban because she believed it went too far.

I told Telesphoreo to unban ria as I believed she most likely wasn't the person who caused the whole ordeal to Telesphoreo, and said she had thought about inflicting self harm on herself in the past.

I was not thinking straight to mention suicide out of the blue and it was not helping anyone at all. I'm not trying to justify anything I did, but it was midnight and I was once again not thinking straight. I should not have even been talking when that was the case, but it unfolded extremely quick.

I apologize to Luke for putting this sudden weight on him, I apologize to any admins and seniors that were affected in any way during my stupid stunt, and I promise to generally not take action on any ongoing punishments or situations in the middle of the night or any time I am not making good decisions.

I admit. I've made a gigantic mistake. Self harm is no joke at all. I've spoken to ria and verified that this entire situation was just mildly bothering her, and I was not at all in my right mind to defend her.

Goodbye Luke, we'll miss you.
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I consider you a good friend, and I'm thankful for everything you've done for the server and for me. I'll miss you.
thank you for all the input, support, and criticism you've given in the past. it was a pleasure to work with u, don't od on tea. good luck in your future endeavors