- 288
- videogamesm12
The AmoLyicx theme in its current state is rather unpolished. It has visual inconsistencies and other kinds of things that I just personally don't like. Since I no longer have permission to edit themes, I've begun working on custom user CSS that makes numerous visual improvements to the theme, and it's called AmoLyicx+.

In order to use it, you need to use an extension for your web browser that allows for user CSS to be applied to certain web pages. I personally use Stylus. Simply create a theme that applies to
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In order to use it, you need to use an extension for your web browser that allows for user CSS to be applied to certain web pages. I personally use Stylus. Simply create a theme that applies to
, paste the following in, and then save:
@import url("https://media.videogamesm12.me/amolyicx-plus.css");
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