Ban Appeal

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New member
1. Minecraft name:

2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any):
waiferu (it has special characters but i think it should work)

3. Approximate date of long-term ban:
Im not sure when i was banned, i tried logging in yesterday (accidentally appealed via email yesterday instead of on forums as i misread the message) and i was banned indefinitely, i dont know why, i tried looking on the ban list for a reason but i couldnt see my name on it, im not sure if i was accidentally banned or smth?

4. Reason for a long-term ban. Please do not lie, and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable:
I dont know why i was banned

5. Is this ban appeal also for a discord ban issued with the long-term ban (yes/no, if applicable)
No, i joined the discord yesterday

6. Do you agree to follow our community guidelines ( and all the conditions stated above?
This is your entry in the indefinite ban list:
  reason: Causing a mass-panic on the server with a fake exploit.
  - Waiferu
  - 21273d3e-df55-406a-9da9-77e69f32ddb9
I dug through an export of the entire TotalFreedom Discord looking for your name to find more information, but the only mention of you I ended up seeing was when you joined the hub on August 17 at same time when the hub shenanigans that killed TotalFreedom were happening. What I find strange is that your entry shares an IP address with an entry belonging to maniaplay, a player who was banned for shenanigans they pulled both during the hub situation and even before that with a hoax about Figura that they started.

It is entirely possible that you were caught in the crossfire.
I'm sorry for the confusion but once again i am not maniaplay, ive stated this on quack's server where someone confused me for her. I am a completely separate person from the UK. I do not know why people keep mixing us up, whats even weirder is that we apparently have the same ip's, because someone must have inputted the wrong data as theyre obv different. I believe you are in quack's server i think it was in #server-chat where ppl vouched for me not being maniaplay because i am in fact not maniaplay and its starting to become irritating that i am confused for her and perma banned.
I'm sorry for the confusion but once again i am not maniaplay, ive stated this on quack's server where someone confused me for her. I am a completely separate person from the UK. I do not know why people keep mixing us up, whats even weirder is that we apparently have the same ip's, because someone must have inputted the wrong data as theyre obv different. I believe you are in quack's server i think it was in #server-chat where ppl vouched for me not being maniaplay because i am in fact not maniaplay and its starting to become irritating that i am confused for her and perma banned.
If you're using a VPN, switch to a different one. You're probably using a VPN that matches an IP indefinitely banned and that is why you're unable to join.
as much as Id like to give this person the benefit of the doubt, the likelihood that they aren't just maniaplay trying to get back on to TF under a new identity I think is exceedingly remote. OP, if you're not in fact maniaplay then I'd suggest following Alco's advice and changing your IP address by way of a VPN.
then I'd suggest following Alco's advice and changing your IP address by way of a VPN.
Before we hop on this “change your IP” bandwagon have their IPs even been compared or was it just assumed that OP was maniaplay so they were put under maniaplay’s IP? Telling a player to change their IP when it might not even be remotely similar to the IP of another player seems a bit far when facts haven’t even been checked
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I genuinely don't think this is maniaplay because Luna would not pull some stupid shit like this
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as much as Id like to give this person the benefit of the doubt, the likelihood that they aren't just maniaplay trying to get back on to TF under a new identity I think is exceedingly remote. OP, if you're not in fact maniaplay then I'd suggest following Alco's advice and changing your IP address by way of a VPN.
The user appealing their ban does not have the same IP as maniaplay... The indefinite ban is also via UUID, not just IP, as proven by @videogamesm12's reply to this thread.
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I've unbanned you because honestly, I don't know how you even got on the ban list or even banning you. However, if any information comes to light that would otherwise indicate wrongdoings worthy of an LBR, you'll promptly be re-banned. Other than that, effective immediately, your ban was removed.
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