Although controversial, I'd like to challenge the unappealable status of this ban.
MarioKartWii posted the copypasta (which, mind you, is not obscure at all and is one of the first things that comes up in the suggestions when you search for vaporeons) as a really stupid joke, and it backfired hard on him. This is further proven by the fact that after people were disgusted by it, he deleted it and noted that he didn't think anybody would lose their shit over it, and apologized. Despite this, it snowballed into accusations of him being a zoophile and a pedophile as a hate mob (which consisted of many people who already had skirmishes with him previously) soon formed and people began to lynch him from every direction.
He became increasingly frustrated because whenever he tried to defend himself and the fact he didn't think that people would lose their shit over a copypasta, people responded by calling him a zoophile and shitting on him for being irresponsible for posting it. Sure, it was fucking stupid of him to post it but . Some people, including Aero himself, acted out of line outright, pinging and shouting at him with zoophile accusations and celebrated the ban he was eventually going to get. The claim that MKW took no accountability for his actions is bullshit, because he did.
Even still, the lynching continued. The indirect pedophile, zoophile and degeneracy accusations kept coming in. He expressed his frustrations in his next message, asking what the hell he was supposed to do to stop the attacks he was getting. The answer? "Give up", "Stop being a weirdo", and "go back in time and don't post zoophilic copypastas". This fueled his future responses where he too became rather snarky.
Of course, it only continued to get worse. When he tried to argue that giving up wasn't a good idea and that he's getting called things he wasn't, Fres then basically told him that there's nothing he could do since he's getting banned anyways. Telephone said that he had to be a zoophile to post the copypasta. He argued that he wasn't defending the copypasta itself but rather his decision to post it as a joke. That's when people pretty much said that what he did was unjustifiable.
Aero once again accused him of being a zoophile and that he should be kicked out of the community for daring to post a fucking copypasta as a joke.
He acknowledged that the copypasta was fucked up, but again defended himself by noting that he didn't expect people to react the way they did to it. He tried to get Tizz's support, but to no avail. Aero then pointed out that he was a minor, and this resulted in MKW arguing that he forgot that this was the case.
People then started linking it to the fact that he was a furry. He repeatedly apologized for posting it but continued to stress that he wasn't a zoophile and that people shouldn't call him that. They just didn't listen to him. When he tried to argue that the copypasta wasn't obscure, they used personal anecdotes that basically said "I've never seen it before", which definitely confused him more.